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食評 (39)
等級1 2016-07-06
1133 瀏覽
下午1點30分到這間新開不久的餐廳食,叫左一個set lunch, $108包括一碗聲稱香辣豬肉湯河,和焦糖雞翼,價錢不包括飲品。結果,聲稱的香辣豬肉湯河,實情是白烚厚豬瘦肉,好大陣「蘇」豬味,辣湯無味,而焦糖雞翼第一眼看到以為是特別品種-極度發育不良,望真,原來將雞翼斬半,分成3件上碟⋯連埋加一服務費,即係食左1隻半雞翼,一碗白烚豬肉河,盛惠$118元。其實,如果你做生意,認為無錢賺的話,再抬高價錢無問題,但你唔好咁樣,俾一隻半雞翼人地,加一碗白烚既,懷疑係半人分量的河湯,去提升利潤⋯睇你幾時執。唔知我哩個post會不會被河蟹呢? 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-07-02
855 瀏覽
上文提到,要本土長大的香港人,當沙律是正餐的話,基本上是很難做到的,但世事往往總有例外。香港人都喜歡吃濃味香口的食物,若果在沙律內加西冷牛扒及蝦片,咁你又點睇?Chef Peter Cuong Franklin 就特別為這次沙律大賽創作了這一款充滿越式風味的steak salad,若果要輪最健康,Chef Peter 的創作可能排第尾,但若果只論味道,這碟沙律確實無得輸。沙律用了很多種材料,包括芒果、牛油果、蕃茄、大量越式香草、當然少不了西冷牛扒。西冷牛柳粒煎至半生熟,牛味香濃,配埋即炸的香脆越南蝦片,實在是好吃到令人停不了口。大廚巧妙地將鮮甜的芒果肉加在沙律內,有助中和熱氣。現在回想起來,這沙律其實不太健康,但能夠在沙律比賽中突圍而出,勇奪冠軍,也是因為創作與別不同,為食客帶來觀感及味蕾上的刺激。無論健康與否,這碟 steak salad 是好吃的,值得大家一試。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-06-17
1605 瀏覽
Brunching at Viet Kitchen with Char! It was a much needed girls catch up over some really good Vietnamese food from chef, Peter Cuong Franklin. I’ve heard about Viet Kitchen located in the lobby of the Nexxus Building on Connaught Rd but didn’t know how nice the space was or how good the food was. As I was eating, I even forgot that I was at the lobby of an office building. There’s a large bar in the center of the dining floor, private rooms, and an open kitchen to watch all the action! The place is bright, beautiful and spacious. Now lets get to the Saturday brunch. The special brunch menu is only offered on Saturdays and public holidays from 11am-5pm.We came to check out the brunch menu, but I still had to order the pho! We shared a bowl of the signature Saigon Beef Pho HK$98. I really liked the rich yet clean broth. The broth was incredibly flavorful and comforting. The portion is rather big, and even though the two of us split it we still couldn’t finish one bowl.Fresh Lime Soda, HK$38.They offer the Bahn Mi Sandwich with French fries (or salad) for HK$88 on their brunch menu. A pretty awesome deal! We didn’t order this one….but got a preview of it.The broth in the front is the beef pho dipping broth for the Pho French Dip HK$98 which we did order (see below!)Lemongrass Beef Bahn Mi Sandwich with a fresh side salad! I loveeeeed the bahn mi. I actually liked it even more than the pho and our other brunch option. The baguette was hot, crispy and uber crunchy. The beef was tender, flavorful and juicy. Super fresh, clean and tasty.I ordered the Sriracha Bloody Mary as well for only HK$48!!!! WHAT?! That’s so cheap. I’m coming back to get this brunch deal. They also have other selected glasses of wines for HK$48 during their weekend brunch. Score for those who like to drink in the day time.Last but not least was the traditional Viet Big Breakfast HK$108 which is a twist on the usual continental, American or British breakfast. It came with a thick cut of sirloin steak, 2 eggs, pate, cucumbers, tomatoes, and garlic-y sliced baguette. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2016-05-05
951 瀏覽
中午來這裡試試,發覺真的很一般:份量很少、牛肉無味、河粉的湯也淡出鳥來,一點牛肉味也沒有,以這個價錢,這個質素,奇怪竟然有人排隊幫襯。可能是就腳的關係吧,但我就無下次囉! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2016-04-16
2323 瀏覽
終於到了星期五,約班姊妹happy hour , 其中一人建議到這裡,大家見地㸃都ok,就決定來試試! 位置都方便和環境寬敞,裝飾都有特色! 5-7點有happy hour 時間,first drink $28 和特價小吃! 於是各人就黎杯 first drink 先,我點了Rambutini, 酒味不濃,似橎石榴味! 吹水隨drink 之外,當然要配小食,所以點了mini pork banh mi , 好味👍🏻 跟著叫了炸雞亦,賣相0分,味道6分! 再加多個pepper squid ,真的是小吃,太亁,可以不試😓吹水耐了,肚子又餓,但已過happy hour,於是叫了蟹肉炒飯,鴨肉紙卷,梅子軟腳蟹和炒通菜,幾款味道都可以,不過不失! 最後當然要有甜品才算完美句點,今晚祇有2款供應,香芒糯米飯,買相吸引,但味道就麻麻. 另外香蕉春卷,配以類似士多啤梨和花生醬,感覺其怪,又是可以不試的食物😓 不知怎樣店的音樂越來越越大聲,所以我們傾計時也很難聽不到大家說什麼. 另外如要去冼手間,要上一樓,距離頗遠,很不方便! 繼續閱讀
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