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食評 (147)
等級2 2024-04-28
0 瀏覽
星期日Lunch揀咗外賣送餐,叫咗三個大pizza,諗住weekend開開心心同屋企人share。加咗$10要佢個黑松露醬,好興奮咁沾醬食。點知第一啖食塊黑松露pizza,wtf?有一塊碎石喺度!!!😱😱😱😱屋企都有上咗年紀嘅人有份食的,如果佢哋一啖咬落去咪死得?牙都崩,唔覺意吞咗落去仲大鑊。Really was a terrible experience😅😞第一啖食到咁嘅野已經無胃口再食落去。。。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-04-11
52 瀏覽
小編今日lunch完之後好想食甜品,就盲search附近有賣開心果甜品既餐廳,結果比我搵到呢間賣donut既,好耐冇食donut啦,一於try try佢!先講我幾傻仔、o係openrice落order外賣自取比 起其他平台係最平最抵最優惠嘅咁當然啦就要用呢個OpenRice落咗order先啦,但係就唔小心落咗灣仔鋪嘅order結果得我發現嘅時候呢其實已經食物處理中㗎啦咁我呢就好擔心即刻打俾灣仔嗰間舖頭職員之後好好喎佢呢肯幫我叫奧海城二期嗰個分店呢?幫我整呢個order咁我就唔使嘥錢囉、呢個已經係強烈加分㗎啦!講返個味道先、開心果白朱古力呢顧名思義因為有白朱古力嘅成份喺入邊所以甜就一定㗎啦、但係我覺得個白朱古力個味道係搶咗開心果味道嘅咁所以呢個我係有少少失望😞至於個榛子呢嘩呢個就不得了,超好食係好濃嘅榛子醬味同埋佢唔算好甜咁當然啦大家如果真係好怕好甜最好就係冬甩上面唔好加糖囉,因為通常佢就會問你個冬甩你想加白砂糖定還是係肉桂糖小編本身係好喜歡肉桂嘅,本身諗住落呢個肉桂糖落去但係因為今次買呢兩個冬甩係開心果同埋榛子都係好甜所以我就冇落肉桂糖啦,下次呢我就會試吓原味落玉桂糖應該都唔錯嘅!整體性價比高,因為OpenRice有九折都係講緊$33一個嘅啫,如果到舖頭買原價應該係$36-38、冬甩嘅size好大個其實可以等於半餐嘅lunch所以我覺得都抵食嘅 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-03-06
299 瀏覽
Had lunch with colleagues and bought take away from this resto. .For appetizer, we had Pesto Arancini Balls. Stuffed with mozzarella and pesto, the fried rice balls were cheesy. For pizza, we ordered the Parma and the Carbonara. The Parma included parma ham, shaved parmesan, mozzarella, assorted mushrooms and tomato. The ham was savoury, and the sourness of the tomato complemented the saltiness of the ham subtly. The Carbonara had a carbonara base with pancetta, golden egg yolk, shaved parmesan, cracked black pepper,fresh parsley and mozzarella. The base was not greasy at all but with rich flavour. The cheese made it smell aromatic as well. For doughnuts, we got Oreo Chocolate, Custard and Nutella fillings. Definitely loved their doughnuts the most. Coated with sugar, the interior was stuffed with evil fillings. Its sweetness was so addictive which made me wanna have more. Personally I liked the Oreo Chocolate filling the most..It mainly provided take-away service. The price was a bit high, yet the food was really nice. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-12-04
965 瀏覽
夏威夷pizza :普通批,用料紮實,有菠蘿🍍+火腿+香腸+芝士拉絲,批邊唔夠脆,2個人食都夠,一個人食就卡路里太多Dounts:- 外表好多糖霜,Nutella 味,ok ,有爆漿感,正常dounts -同樣糖霜在外,lemon pie 味 , 比較酸,唔岩我口味 繼續閱讀
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I recently had the pleasure of trying a Pepperoni Supreme Pizza and a Nutella Doughnut at Dough Bros. The pizza had a fantastic flavour, and the crust was delightfully crispy. As for the doughnut, I heated it before eating it. The sauce melted perfectly and flowed out of the doughnut, making for a delicious treat!I highly recommend trying the Nutella Doughnut, and I am excited to go back and sample some of the other signature foods on the menu! 繼續閱讀
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