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食評 (40)
等級4 2024-01-19
1658 瀏覽
😱 上星期 “洪爺” 江湖飯局, 一片混亂, 老友 “意大利長介” 趁火打劫, 即塲約戰 傳說中 嘅 “雲隱”, 六個人, 用三分鍾, 決定三日後食 $1000 嘅中午 廚師發板. 香港人唔只有錢, 仲要唔使番工(!)📖 聽講餐廳原名 Mori, 後來主廚離開自立門戶, 副廚頂上, 改名 “雲隱”, 短時間內成為 預約困難店, 喺 “惡人谷” 略具名氣.🤗 今日掹衫尾, 跟 “意大利長介” 嚟開下眼界, 安排包廂, 十個讚, 房間設一張六人L型壽司吧枱, 環境和諧舒適, 餐具精緻.🥢 午餐 $1000+10%, 包括13貫壽司, 茶碗蒸, 玉子燒, 麵豉湯, 咖啡. “安莉亞” 點咗兩支清酒, 二兔 $880+10%, 月山 $1880+10%.🍥 鮑魚蒸蛋🍣 壽司左口魚墨魚深海池魚鰤魚池魚 帶子赤身大拖羅鯖魚北寄貝鹽水海膽鰻魚太卷🍮 玉子燒🥣 麵豉湯☕️ 咖啡或雪糕🍥 鮑魚蒸蛋. 蒸蛋結實滑溜, 未算燙口, 鮑魚沉底, 夠腍嘅, 但擦唔出火花.🍣 左口魚. 相對厚身, 煙靭軟綿, 加咗海鹽同埋青檸汁, 開段鹽味搶咗少少, 尾段搵番平銜, 不俗.🦑 墨魚. 膠口, 唔靭, 同左口魚前後腳, 我鍾意!🍣 深海池魚. 肉質緊緻肥美, 青檸汁比較重手, 但又夾到魚味喎.🍣 鰤魚. 油份充足, 多謝 “鮨定山” 師傅之前介紹, 今次特別注意魚肉嘅酸味, 再融合醬油味, 層次更複雜, 掂!🍣 池魚. 舍利嘅溫度比平時高, 配合到池魚再重嘅魚味, 唔錯喎!🍙 借位講講舍利, “雲隱” 嘅舍利出名高酸, 我喺第一件壽司偷咗幾粒出嚟食, 完全唔酸喎, 直到池魚, 突然酸咗, 但又幾舒服, 有趣! 記得我食過最酸嘅舍利仍然喺 “粋”, 酸到覺得魚飯分離.🐚 帶子. 撕開唒, 出奇地保留到嚼口, 鮮味湧出. 老友 “甘仔” 讚口不絕.🍣 赤身, 醬油漬. 舍利暖暖地, 將魚味醬油味推上更高層次, 非常甘香, 餘韻悠長, 一致讚好. 師傅解釋, 漬咗令魚身更似啫喱.🍣 大拖羅. 非常肥美, 但又唔覺太肥太腬, 同時享受大拖嘅口感, 醬油嘅甘香味道, 一流!🍣 鯖魚, 配紫菜. 食唔到鯖魚嘅肥美, 鹹味酸味未算融合, 相對失色.🐚 北寄貝. 爽口, 鮮甜.🤗 鹽水海膽. 海膽甜美滑溜, 忌廉口感, 配合到卜卜脆嘅三文魚籽, 自己用匙羹𢳂嚟食.📖 翻查資料: 海膽嘅保存方式分三種. (1) 原隻海膽, 緊係最新鮮. (2) 板海膽, 喺海膽去殼後, 用凝固劑 - 明礬 - 固定海膽形狀放喺木板或膠盒出售, 但明礬太多就會變苦. (3) 鹽水海膽, 喺海膽去殼後, 將海膽放入 與海水鹽度相同嘅鹽水 裡保存, 比板海膽更保留到鮮味, 但保存期較短.🍣 鰻魚. 魚飯溫度完美配合, 魚肉實淨, 唔會霉哂, 調味啱啱好, 係我食過最好食嘅鰻魚壽司.🍙 太卷. “雲隱” 嘅太卷外賣都幾出名. 師傳建議一啖食晒, 可惜沒有傳說中嘅震撼.🍮 玉子燒. 質感軟熟, 入口即溶, 不俗!🥣 麵豉湯. 我鍾意飲熱湯, 味道還好, 略嫌唔夠燙口.☕️ 咖啡. 完美結束.🤗 總結: 終於試咗 傳說中 嘅 預約困難店, 可以嚟個傳說對決. 環境: 裝修佈置和諧, 座位舒服, 冇三尖八角古怪位, 呢個真係唔係必然嘅, 例如, Suzuno 新店有條怪柱, 又一字型枱, Hikari 攪唔掂馬路噪音問題.服務: 整體未算貼心, 勝在收碟靜靜哋, 唔會阻手阻腳.互動: 師傅放底舊壽司, 講抵魚名, 完. 你問, 佢樂意答嘅, 就係冇咗互動, “甘仔” 話鍾意咁喎, 我完全唔認同.  講互動表演, Suzuno 舊舖 仍然係 我的最愛. 味道: 除咗醬油, 檸汁, 鹽, 唔覺有薑蓉或者其他重手調味, 玩舍利, 玩酸度, 玩溫度, 帶領每件壽司呈現不同嘅層次, 獨一無二嘅體驗. 抵食: $1000 中午十三貫壽司, 唔抵食囉. 我諗起 “鮨宏”, 中午20道菜, $880.🥰 攻略: 我大概感覺到 “雲隱” 嘅境界, 但又未夠鮨齡去完全理解, $1000 訂價甚高, 短期不敢再試, 同價有其他更有趣嘅選擇. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
🍣寿し雲隠 Sushi Kumogaku🍣$800pp (+ 加咗 $180 鮟鱅魚肝泡芙) 作為全港其中一間最難預約嘅Omakase餐廳, 好朋友book到午餐時間,當然要同佢黎試一試!佢既壽司飯偏酸,個人覺得可以中和唔同魚類既油膩感,睇吓你自己鐘唔鐘意😋就算唔係特別鍾意食omakase嘅人都可以嘗試吓!佢就係咁好食,唔怪得知咁難book到!🍙————————————————當中包括:❆ 蒸蛋❆ 平鱸魚❆ 深海池魚❆ 白蝦❆ 針魚❆ 獅魚❆ 竹籤魚❆ 北寄貝❆ 帶子❆ 劍魚醬油漬❆ 北海道戶井的拖羅海鰻❆ 蔥吞拿魚蓉手卷❆ 玉子燒❆ 麵豉湯❆ 鮟鱅魚肝泡芙————————————————整體:✦ 價格: 4.3/5✦ 味道: 4.6/5✦ 服務: 4.7/5✦ 環境: 4.5/5✦ 再訪指數: 4.6/5寿し雲隱@sushikumogaku地址: 寿し雲隠 (中環)中環砵典乍街45號The Steps ‧ H Code 8樓營業時間: 星期一至二 12:00-14:00, 19:00-22:00星期四至日 12:00-14:00, 19:00-22:00 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級5 2024-03-06
476 瀏覽
There are three sushi restaurants in town which I regularly visit, and Sushi Kumogaku is one of them. The staff greeted us warmly and soon we were settled down in front of Chef Kin, waiting for him to weave his magic to bring us wonderful and delicious seafood.Like usual, I had requested Chef Kin to recommend the sake for the night. Starting with くどき上手 禁じ手 磨き一割一分 純米大吟釀 生詰 ($270). This special sake has its rice polished to 11% after spending 9 days. With a crisp and clean palate, a really nice and versatile sake to pair with food.The first course was Hotaru-Ika 蛍烏賊 with Spring Seasonal Vegetables 春の野菜, including local organic sweet peas, Japanese warabi, and spinach. Paired with a bit of plum sauce and olive oil, the grilled firefly squids were delicious and flavourful. Very good.For the second course, we saw Chef Kin skewered two large Ainame 愛魚女 fillets and then grilled over charcoal briefly, so that the surface was cooked but the interior remained raw. As the fat greenling had a mild taste, the chef cleverly used this technique to provide more texture and taste. Very good.Then Chef Kin took the Torigai 鳥貝, cutting it open to remove the innards of the Japanese cockle right before lightly blanching it on hot water, to serve on ice, in order to keep the crunchy texture of the meat and the intense umami taste. Truly phenomenal and excellent.Coming to the second sake, 加茂錦 Brillance 越淡麗 純米大吟釀 ($270). Made with the sake rice ‘越淡麗’, it had a richer taste than the first sake, more rounded on texture, and suitable to pair with seafood with a bit stronger flavour and body.The fourth course was Komochi Yari-Ika 子持槍烏賊. Chef Kin had stuffed the spear squid with its eggs, almost to bursting, and used the tentacles and other parts of the squid to make a thick sauce, highly complementary in taste with each other. Together with Nanohana 菜の花, it is excellent.Coming to the first sushi, the Aori-Ika 障泥烏賊. The bigfin reef squid had been meticulously cut to break the fibers on the body, so that the sushi had a great softness. Seasoned with a bit of yuzu zest and salt, it was really enjoyable. Very good.The second sushi was Hirame 平目. Chef Kin shared that the olive flounder was about 1.2kg in size, and he preferred not using too big ones as its meat would deteriorate quickly. Having marinated with salt and aged for two days before using, it had a delicate sweetness, soft and tender texture. Very good.The third sushi was Sayori 針魚. The beautiful Japanese halfbeak had translucent flesh, with a shiny silver middle strip, equally good in taste with nice umami. The availability of this sushi showcased the freshness of ingredients, as the fish would develop unpleasant smell quickly. Very good.The fourth sushi was Iwashi 鰯. A luxury with each fillet only making one sushi, the sardine had good fattiness, tender and each bite bursting with the intense flavours. One of the sushi tonight I would like to encore for another piece. Excellent.Taking a pause in the sushi, we were served Shirako 白子. The deep-fried milt of blowfish was large in size, creamier than the cod’s, with a mild sweetness that paired well with the mashed radish and soy sauce underneath. Very good.Next came the Saba Oshizushi 鯖 押し寿司. The mackerel pressed sushi was served on a piece of nori, with the fish having been marinated in vinegar in the traditional style, infusing it with a nice sourness which helped to slow down the deterioration. Very good.Coming to the third sake, 仙禽 無垢 ($270). From the brewery in Tochigi, this one had fruitier characters, more full-bodied with balanced sweetness. The banana aromas were prominent. A richer sake that paired well with stronger flavoured dishes.Returning to the sushi, Chef Kin carved out the Akami 赤身 and then brushed with soy sauce to briefly marinate. The tuna came from Shizuoka, with the lean cut having a soft bite, full of umami and flavours, and very delicious. Very good.Continuing on the tuna, the next piece is the prized O-Toro 大とろ. The fatty tuna was bursting with fish oil, with the umami taste unforgettable. It is apparent why this remained the favourite of so many Japanese people. Even my wife who normally did not like fatty fish praised highly. Excellent.Seeing the large Akagai 赤貝 drew a wow from us. Chef Kin also shared that this was probably one of the largest he had used, with the ark shell having a wonderful crunchiness on texture, very fresh and with each bite one can taste the sea with the umami and sweetness. Very good.The hot dish came next was grilled Kamasu 魳 with Japan mountain yam. The barracuda fillet was grilled over charcoal, with a fragrant surface while keeping the flesh moist and soft. Having been marinated there was a subtle sweetness as well, with the yam helping to cleanse the palate and balance. Excellent.The fourth sake was くどき上手 純米大吟釀 無愛想 ($280). Another in the wide range of sake from the famous brewery 亀の井酒造, the rice polishing ratio was very low at 22%, with the taste slowly seeping through the palate, very clean and balanced. My favourite sake in the evening.Going to the final stage of the menu, the sous chef took out some boiled Kuruma-Ebi 車海老 from the kitchen, then immediately removing the shell of the Japanese tiger prawn for Chef Kin to prepare the sushi. Very delicious with a great bite. This was another piece I would encore. Excellent.The Shiro-Uni 白海胆 was pretty big size, and instead of making a gunkan roll like most restaurants, Chef Kin just kneaded the sushi directly with the white sea urchin, demonstrating his skills. While creamy in texture, this one however was not my favourite on taste. Decent.One of the signatures of the restaurant was certainly Ankimo 鮟肝 Puff. The puff was heated on hibachi and then the sous chef piped the monkfish liver paste inside. The taste was still impeccable, but this time the puff was not re-heated sufficiently to create the contrast in temperature. Still good, however.The last piece was Anago 穴子 sushi. The conger eel was blanched in dashi before brushing with the homemade sauce on top. Melting in the mouth, the whole experience was rewarding and fulfilling, wrapping up a wonderful meal with a sense of satisfaction. Excellent.Knowing that I could still have a bit more sake, Chef Kin shared one of his favourites for my fifth sake, 日日 山田錦 生酛 ($220). A very versatile sake that could pair with food, light-bodied with delicate aromas and smooth palate, as well as a slight fizziness.To pair with the sake Chef Kin prepared a Himokyu-maki ひもきゅう巻 for us. Using the mantle of the ark shell, with plenty of shredded cucumber, he made a roll which was refreshing and got good crunchy bite. A smart way to use the ingredients to the full extent. Very good.Apparently, I could still eat a few more, and so we ordered an extra Kanpyu maki 干瓢巻 ($120) to share. Chef Kin shared that it took a lot of effort to prepare the dried gourd, particularly to squeeze the gourd dry after each soaking. With plenty of wasabi in the roll, it was very good.The sous chef then cut out two pieces of Tamago 玉子 from the large serving, and the egg omelette looked similar to a sponge cake, fluffy and rich in umami, as the egg was mixed with shrimp and other seafood before baking. Excellent.The Miso Soup was made with red miso and kombu. Steaming hot in temperature, the soup helped to warm the stomach and highly satisfying. Very good.Dessert was Milk Pudding. Silky soft on texture, the pudding was very rich in milk flavours, but not too sweet. Good. My wife had the Fresh Strawberry instead.Service was very good, and we could spend more time chatting with Chef Kin on the night, as the other customers were pretty focused on their own conversations. The bill on the night was $7,073. The consistently high food quality, his portfolio of sake for pairing, and the friendly atmosphere all contribute to the reasons why we kept returning to the restaurant regularly. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-02-19
452 瀏覽
Sushi Kumogaku has always been amongst the most impossible to book sushiyas in HK. Thanks to a good friend booking out the entire sushiya on one fine Saturday afternoon for us to enjoy an opulent lunch curated by Chef Kin himself ❤️ For me, I found the otsumami particularly memorable - the silky smooth fugu shirako, the umami packed, deep fried matsubagani, the perfectly chargrilled buri jaw and the ika available on the day were definitely some of the best that I have had in a very long time! A translucent, gelatinous mass that melts in your mouth🔥🔥🔥 Simply sublime from start to finish 👍🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
由健師傅主理的omakase, 整體的調味好合我心水!舍利粒粒分明軟糯, 入口可以清楚食到米粒的糯甜味, 雖然好多人話壽司醋偏酸, 但個人口味覺得可以正好平衡油脂豐富的魚類的油膩感。整體食下來覺得選用的魚料鮮度/質感/壽司的舖排都十分完美, 唔會話=去到最後幾舊就無驚喜或者粒粒一樣味, 個人最愛係Uni同鮟鱇魚肝泡芙。前者超高甜度, 仿如口中吃了一口海中砂糖, 後者外殼酥脆中間, 鮟鱇魚肝細膩綿滑, 仿如慕絲一般, 是十分滿意的一頓! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)