港鐵堅尼地城站 B 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (2)
07:30 - 18:00
07:30 - 18:00
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食評 (69)
等級3 2024-05-06
0 瀏覽
I wonder why no one has ever commented on the truth but this place is totally not as good as what the foodie reviews have claimed to be…We paid a visit on a weekday morning and the place wasn’t packed (and we’d got to pick our table). We ordered our mains (which were all on the brunch column), and when they were served, the portions were an absolute letdown…First up, we had the benedicts. Everything was pretty average though we both agreed that the beef tasted rather bland. It seemed like they hadn’t do any seasoning for the meat. I also don’t understand why there’s some juice-like liquid under the sourdough (I bet it’s the juice/sauce from cooking the beef) cuz it made the bread so soggy, let alone further proving that their slow-cooked beef was not satisfactory…What I’d only give credits for would be their idea of adding leaves and herbs to add aromas and colours to the plate, else honestly, there’s nothing worth praising at all.Then it’s the hotcakes. Trust me those cakes weren’t even palm-sized unlike the pictures— we were shocked by how tiny they were in real life. Served alongside some biscuit crumbles and fruits, the dish only stood out for the passionfruit on top, or it did look nice for pictures(?Given that the prices are OBVIOUSLY not friendly either, we had higher expectations for the food quality and portions but those were also disappointments. Service and environment were nice but are they worth it? Wouldn’t recommend this place at all if you want food with commensurate quality of the price. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-05-02
56 瀏覽
五月第一天的假期,剛好來到堅尼地城新海旁,很久沒有來這區找吃的,所以就趁機去這間我收藏在cafe list的店試試,Cafe原來就在海旁人氣咖啡店的不遠處,鄰近雖然是車房,但是也有種自成一角的悠閒感。假期餐廳比較full,幸好我們三大兩小等了大概五分鐘就能入座,因為有小朋友關係,留意到餐廳有kid’s menu,包括Scrambled Eggs on Toast,和Cheese Toastie兩款,選擇比較單調,如果想點意粉/麵類,就沒有適合小朋友的了,因為店員說意粉只提供午餐的Merguez Tagliatelle.(會有一點辣)不過我們最後都有點了Merguez Tagliatelle $145羊肉和牛肉混合的香腸鹹鹹香香,帶少少辣度和少許香草的味道,配上蕃茄醬濶麵頗惹味,辣味增加了點點層次感,不會只吃到蕃茄醬的酸甜味,麵條比較能掛汁,大人吃也不錯啊~Pulled Pork Toastie $112手撕豬肉配上烘得熱脆的吐司,加上Manchego, Cheddar兩種芝士,豬肉質感軟腍入味,加入了紫椰菜,口感和豬肉有了對比,看似簡單的三文治看來也花了點心思。Slow Cooked Lamb $148上桌的時候有點像菜芯炒羊肉慢煮烹調的羊肉保留了肉質的嫩滑,伴碟還有青瓜碗豆,紅菜頭打成的醬汁,配搭新穎不油不膩。Hazelnut French Toast $112從西貢紅到來西環的招牌菜,擺盤精緻非常打卡able,法式多士每一面也煎香,配了咖啡糖漿,吃下去帶點點咖啡香氣,旁邊的榛子忌廉是神來之筆,一定要沾來吃,整體甜度不算太過,但是好吃程度真的是非常推薦不過飲品方面,我的Matcha Latte $38就比較不過不失,沒有很香抹茶也沒有很回甘。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Me second visit here I had wanted to go again after my first visit but one small (but significant) thing ruined the experience. I had the smoked salmon sandwich but accidentally dropped my (only) slice of lemon. Asked for another slice and was promptly told it would cost me $5 (owner’s instructions) Either I had to pay or I wouldn’t get ONE SLICE of lemon. The manager was helpful & eventually after some back and forth with the staff, replaced my slice of lemon. $5 may not be a large amount but the pettiness is insane. If they think they can make an extra 5 bucks on a slice of lemon then it is the most misguided business strategy. This is a story I will share with friends with the warning think again if you’re thinking of going, this is how they treat customers. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-04-12
230 瀏覽
週末放假通常都同屋企出去行下街行下山食下野,有一次係西貢行完山就去左little cove espresso,結果一試愛上🤩💕爸爸媽媽平時對brunch food都無咩興趣,但係呢個佢地都讚👍🏻 之後仲自己黎撐檯腳😆今次第一次黎西環店,menu有少少唔同,比較signature既brunch plate則同西貢店大同小異,今次試左三款,每一碟都好鍾意😍 出面仲有海景🌊好chillEgg Benedict基本上係我每次食brunch既go-to option,所以今日都唔例外🤣Beef Benedict on Sourdough Rye啖啖牛肉🤤 不過整體味道比較淡Ricotta Hotcakes熱情果絕對係畫龍點睛🌟加埋mascarpone cheese同肉桂脆餅,無得輸Spiced Chicken Salad有驚喜👏🏻材料配搭新鮮 - 開心果、羽衣甘藍、牛油果、車厘茄、乳酪醬同埋烤雞,好好味😋 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-03-30
288 瀏覽
放長假期,嚟到西貢,咁就簡單食吓喇。今日嚟到Little Cove,排咗一陣好快就可以入座。點咗個Smoked Salmon on Sourdough Rye , 再嗌個French Toast, 同埋Breakfast Bowl.Smoked Salmon 睇落唔大,而慢慢食落去都好唔少份量嘅Breakfast Bowl就係健康之選French Toast 方面,如果你係食開甜品嘅話,呢個真係無得輸😋樣樣都mm7 ,好味。值得推薦👍🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)