港鐵旺角站 E2 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (3)
餐廳由台灣人主理,主打正宗台灣菜式,提供各式各樣的台灣菜,牛肉麵沿用家傳老店配方,以高筋麵粉每日手工製作;麻辣醬亦為自家炒製, 無味精無添加。 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 22:15
11:00 - 22:15
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通 fps
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (537)
等級4 2024-03-22
981 瀏覽
一向知道喺旺角豉油街既呢間阿木台灣面好出名,今日特登去食最出名最地道既牛腩牛筋面,一場黎到,梗系要試埋啲小食啦,我仲叫咗個芝士肉鬆蛋餅,佢蛋餅有四款啦味選擇😍我揀咗我最愛既芝士和肉鬆😆😆我地仲叫咗碟菜,有醬油和肉燥揀,今次就試咗肉燥蕃薯苗先😋😋天氣咁熱,梗系要飲杯野啦😄😄 好開心仲有半價既加配價😄😄我㨂咗黑糖珍珠鮮奶,朋友揀咗黑糖珍珠奶茶🥰🥰一路食仲見到原來有好多台灣特產賣呀😍😍仲大軍台灣水果團購😍😍可惜我剛剛喺人地三月份截單日先知道,唯有等下個月😆😆😆紅燒牛腩牛筋面😍😍😍好滿足!份量好多! 牛腩牛筋都炆得好淋好入味! 湯底正宗!蕃茄牛肉牛筋面正!蕃茄湯底好濃郁!牛肉牛筋好諗好好味🤓🤓份量仲好多🤓🤓🤓芝士肉鬆蛋餅好多肉鬆呀,配上芝士和蛋餅,超級正😆😆岩哂鐘意食肉鬆既我😍😍肉燥蕃薯苗🥰好大碟🥰 亦都碌得好淋😃加埋肉燥好好味😃😃黑糖珍珠鮮奶😍😍😍😍黑糖珍珠奶茶 😍😍😍我見到隔離枱食炸排骨便當🍱,好似好正咁😄😄下次要試下😍😍😍阿木台灣面 (豉油街) (旺角)旺角豉油街60-102號鴻都大廈地下3-4號鋪 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-02-17
1071 瀏覽
Although this restaurant is visited mainly at night, it is always packed, which indicates that it maintains a certain level of taste and quality. Despite not being too luxurious inside, the quality of the food can rival a $100 bowl of beef noodles. 😝Tomato Beef and Tendon NoodlesThis dish features tomatoes, beef, and tendon as the main ingredients. The broth is made by simmering a rich stock combining the tangy sweetness of tomatoes with the meaty flavors of beef and tendon. The broth is thick and flavorful, while the beef and tendon are tender and chewy. The dish is typically served with noodles, either ramen or wide noodles, to make it more substantial. Additionally, some vegetables and seasonings such as scallions and minced garlic may be added to enhance the layers of flavor.Minced Meat with Pea ShootsThis dish highlights pea shoots and minced meat as the main ingredients. Pea shoots are the tender sprouts of legumes, known for their crisp texture and vibrant green appearance. Minced meat is primarily made from pork that has been stir-fried and seasoned. In this dish, the pea shoots are usually quickly stir-fried to maintain their crispness, while the minced meat is incorporated to add a rich meaty flavor. This dish offers a delightful combination of textures, with the crispness of the pea shoots complementing the tender and flavorful minced meat, resulting in a delicious culinary experience. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-05-20
0 瀏覽
阿木台灣麵初初時已經大受歡迎,隔咗一段時間再嚟食,水準依然👍👍呢度嘅紅燒牛肉麵,所有材料都係來自台灣,絕對有台灣味道😏麵條係人手新鮮製造,口感爽口彈牙😋湯頭香而不辣,唔會太濃味😌主角牛肉牛筋亦煮得入味軟滑🤩再配埋台灣腸一齊食,風味十足😃鹽酥雞便當,大大碗肉燥飯,再有大大碟嘅鹽酥雞😍鹽酥雞粒粒熱辣辣~炸皮脆薄~好惹味🤤🤤招牌芝士肉鬆蛋餅~餅皮及蛋皮均有厚度, 口感十足😙😙熱辣辣的拉絲芝士,加上香甜的肉鬆~好味😚 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-20
0 瀏覽
朋友同我最近去咗阿木台灣麵,位於旺角豉油街嘅餐廳,環境不俗,整體都好乾淨整潔。我叫咗佢哋嘅經典紅燒牛肉麵,湯底味道濃郁。牛肉俾佢炆到軟爛入味,每一口都好滿足。麵條彈牙有勁,同湯底完美融合。配料包括酸菜同蔥花,增添咗唔少清新口感。至於朋友揀嘅鹽酥雞便當,雞肉外脆內嫩,仲有好好味的肉燥飯,份量十足。雞肉炸得金黃酥脆,好好味。除此之外,我哋還食咗招牌芝士肉鬆蛋餅。餅皮金黃柔軟,鬆脆可口。餡料餡料充實,有濃濃芝士味,再配上香甜可口嘅肉鬆,好味無極。阿木台灣麵的野食水平不俗,價錢合宜,環境亦算舒適,對想一嚐台灣小吃嘅朋友,絕對值得一試! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-05-18
0 瀏覽
今日出旺角行街街,行到攰攰地搵間台灣嘢食吓😋解一解台灣情懷🤭招牌芝士肉鬆蛋餅 $49自己就最中意食蛋餅,兩款配料亦係我既最愛😍 外皮酥脆,裡面的肉鬆和芝士真的是絕配,吃起來超滿足!😋😋麻醬拌麵 $42麵條Q彈煙韌十分爽口彈牙,再加上香氣十足的麻醬令人欲罷不能,食到停唔到口🤤🤤鹽酥雞便當 $58鹽酥雞炸得夠脆 外脆內嫩又唔會太咸,調味剛好,加上配既肉燥好好送飯,好有台灣既味道🤤🤤如果你都係台灣小吃愛好者,一定要黎試試下,絕對唔會令你失望😌😌🤩 推薦指數:9 / 10📍 餐廳資料:阿木台灣麵 (豉油街) (旺角)旺角豉油街60-102號鴻都大廈地下3-4號舖 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)