港鐵上環站 C 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
90289925 (Whatsapp Reservation)
米芝蓮指南餐盤推薦2020 2021 2022
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
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食評 (246)
米芝芝 。精緻fine din 川菜夜 🌶️川菜作為中國「八大菜系」之一,一向以麻同辣聞名。其實辣只係川菜其中一個味道面向。川菜有「七味」:甜、酸、鹹、麻、苦、辣、香,而從中發展出多種味型,整體着重平衡,味道和諧。位於上環嘅井巷子就係一間唔會一味死麻死辣,主打糅合現代烹調風格、味道豐富嘅川菜。脆皮茅台三黃雞做到外脆內軟嘅效果,雞皮甘香鬆脆,肉質嫩滑得嚟仲有香濃嘅茅台味,酒香撲鼻 🍶 要預訂但好有驚喜,值得一試皺皮椒口水皮蛋辛香開胃,皮蛋夠溏心,黏稠嘅蛋黃口感一流皺皮椒酸菜魚 酸菜口感爽嫩配合自家泡的雲南皺皮椒,湯底清爽唔油,微辣之中透出酸香。呢一款連湯都可以飲嘅酸菜魚🐟食完都唔會涸喉亦更加襯托到魚肉嘅鮮美。魚肉厚實彈牙,整體配合得好好麻辣家燒豆腐魚糍粑~ 豆腐魚即係九肚魚。香脆又柔滑嘅九肚魚加上煙韌嘅糍粑口感好有趣呢度嘅食物都係貴精不貴多。重香不重辣。唔食得辣嘅都可以一戰。(不過不得不彈嘅係啲樓面服務完全唔 up to standard,十問九唔應,明明晚市唔係忙唔知佢哋做緊乜。令人疑惑😐) 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-05-31
0 瀏覽
Dinner. One private room upstairs but we were seated at the main dining room. Acoustics were bad, could hardly hear myself speak with all the surround sound of mandarin behind me.Friendly female server saw our BYO bottles and gave us all hot 羅漢果茶. Here’s what we had.奇趣豆腐- wonderful interplay of textures, with a crunchy exterior and silky tofu interior.蜜汁叉燒- perfect balance between sweet, savory, and melt-in-your-mouth tenderness.泡椒花螺口水皮蛋- rich, creamy yolks crowned with a vibrant chili oil.煙燻肥腸- brother underwent spasms of coughing when server lifted the glass lid, letting out drifts of smoky aroma. Not really a fan of organs, I tried a piece and liked the smoky richness.皺皮椒酸菜煮魚, mixed with 手工紅薯粉- definitely the highlight of the night. Everyone said that the spice level was just right, not overpowering.As I didn’t take spicy, I was given a separate portion of the 紅薯粉, which wasn’t completely non-spicy, as there was quite a substantial amount of black/white pepper in the broth.炒白蘆筍- the vegetable's natural sweetness made a refreshing interlude to the spicy dishes.脆皮茅台乳鴿- another table favorite with the crispy golden skin shattering to reveal juicy, flavorful meat. Couldn’t quite taste the 茅台 tho.菌王花雕皇湯雞飯There was quite an interval between server presenting the claypot and us being served. When asked why it was taking so long, server replied that chef did not consider the 飯焦 acceptable so decided to recook it some more. Indeed, the resulting 飯焦elevated the dish to new heights, adding a wonderful contrast of textures to the fragrant dish. 雜果土紅糖冰粉: very refreshing.蛋香土紅糖糍粑- someone joked that this looked like the 奇趣豆腐 we had in the very beginning, an apt conclusion for our meal. Well, to finish us off- server presented us with homemade Yakut sherbet crackers compliments from the chef.In summary: beacon of Sichuan culinary excellence, where the region's bold, complex flavors are celebrated with artistry and authenticity. Particularly impressed with the service- eg male server saw me with my handbag and immediately gave me a stool for it; in addition to handing us wet wipes to go with the pigeons, actually opening the packets for us. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-05-04
118 瀏覽
星期六去餐廳午聚,選了很多間餐廳,想搵一間圓枱,少人,環境舒適的地方作聚會。最後決定選這一間私房菜。當日,客人不算多,有餐廳有兩層,我們坐正中間完枱,選了很久都不知道應該選什麼菜式,最後決定問一問職員有沒有建議,最後我們選了出名的片皮鴨和一些小菜,片皮鴨會附上一份說明書,教導大家應如何進食該片過皮鴨,職員對每一台客人都照顧周到,食物也不錯,為食物偏貴,如果要選少人又要圓枱的,不妨一試。項目評分:滿5分食物:3.5分環境:5 分舒適:5 分服務:5 分性價比:3 分 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-04-18
180 瀏覽
來過井巷子已經好幾次,相較於同集團的另一餐廳「鋒膳」,我個人還是比較喜歡這邊的烹調風格。每次到來,都一次又一次被他們的新菜式所震驚,次次來都有新驚喜!今次招牌的如向日葵甘栗豬叉燒,脆皮婆參,麻婆鱈魚白子等繼續保持出色外,今次因為秋冬時節,老闆用他的渠道引進了寧夏鹽池灘羊!暖暖的喝下一口羊肉湯真的非常舒服,羊肉軟腍微羶,喜歡食羊的人真的不能錯過!香港絕無僅有的出色!是晚的菜單有:自泡皺皮椒口水皮蛋 麻辣南非鮑魚 豆酥椒鹽西班牙向日葵甘栗豬扒蜜汁叉燒辣肉醬脆皮花膠煙燻胡辣遼參豆腐羹麻婆鱈魚白子伴布袋餅香蔥雞油胡椒白湯寧夏鹽池灘羊肉胡辣鮮沙薑紅蔥頭霸王雞麻辣家燒翠玉瓜薯粉香芒土紅糖冰粉百合綠豆椰子雪糕最中餅 多謝好友A先生的精心安排🙏🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-04-10
181 瀏覽
男朋友見今日情人節💌,於是帶我去食好嘢,今次喺佢第二次食!佢對呢間評價好高咁,於是我哋就決定食呢間!大概人均700-800 💸但發現。。。拎過米芝連嘅精緻川菜,果然名不虛傳🫡1️⃣片皮鴨:個鴨皮脆嫩滑,用嚟包鴨嘅皮一直保持熱度,直至到你食完都依然係熱熱的!2️⃣酸菜魚: 用豬骨湯取代紅油湯底,味道不失麻辣,但較傳統做法清爽,也能帶出魚肉的鮮甜!3️⃣自家製雪糕: 個雪糕呢係香蕉味嘅,係舖頭送俾我哋食嘅,表示所有雪糕都係佢哋自家製,唔會有爆高糖份!4️⃣炒飯: 呢個炒飯嘅質素係絕對高,首先佢每一粒飯都唔會黐住,粒粒好分明,即係代表佢唔會一坺嘢咁樣樣,然後個味好香又濃。5️⃣ 茶水我哋後嚟發現廚師曾經尊間去到成都受訓😽,學有所成之後再繼續返嚟香港煮菜俾大家食😉 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)