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食評 (37)
這間人氣素食餐廳的銅鑼灣分店鄰近時代廣場,主打可持續健康素食,不含防腐劑或人工甜味劑,有豐富沙拉碗、酸種酵母扁麵包、Brownie等等。店內環境寬敞舒適,設有自助機下單或可到櫃檯。所有餐具均循環再做,自助分類垃圾回收,相當具環保概念。Oak - $78薄餅採用有機全麥酸種麵包製成,特別煙韌彈牙,包裹著滑膩的牛油果、黃瓜及羽衣甘藍等,綿密烤蒜鷹嘴豆泥的更有濃濃蒜香。Spruce - $68濃郁鮮甜的湯頭有八角丁香、牛油果、豆芽、時令蔬菜、紅洋蔥、芫荽、泰國羅勒、青檸和辣椒,充滿越式風味,晶瑩剔透的海藻水晶粉好掛汁。Double Chocolate Walnut Brownie - $50濕潤的布朗尼有著濃厚的黑巧克力香,有少少香脆的核桃,帶淡淡的椰香。Cookie Dough - $40餅乾麵團外脆內軟,有香脆的杏仁和腰果粒,又有微甜的楓糖燕麥。Ginerger Lemongrass - $45清新微辣的香茅薑茶溫暖脾胃。Yangtze - $50由青蘋果、羽衣甘藍、芹菜、小黃瓜、檸檬及薑製成,入口幼滑細膩,有著清新的蔬果香。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-12-12
438 瀏覽
最近on diet 就同朋友搵左呢間主打健康素食嘅餐廳-Treehouse🌳入到去自助點餐都幾方便👍🏻🌟必叫🌟 Forest Burger $118自家製酸種麵包配上甜菜根烤蘑菇餅,口感完全好似食緊肉咁😍再配上茄子魚子醬、烤甜椒、生菜、番茄、紅洋蔥,好香香料味,同埋口感好豐富🤤冇諗過素食都可以咁好食😋Macadamia Chocolate Chip Cookie $45食落一啲都唔膩🤩仲有椰香味🤤睇返先知原來用料好簡單- 主要用原蔗糖、椰子油、小麥粉、果仁&朱古力碎、豆奶製作,低卡之餘又健康,食多幾舊都冇問題🤭Salad Bowl - Cedar $88沙律可以自選唔同配料,今次就直接揀咗Cedar, 有牛油果,卷心菜、烤南瓜、腌紅洋蔥😉牛油果熟度啱啱好,配上惹味辣椒醬開胃之餘比起蛋黃醬更健康🥗🤤Organic coffee - Filter $30叫左杯咖啡,質素正常,咖啡一啲都唔苦澀,飲落幾清爽,重點係可以free refill😍!! 性價比好高👍🏻整體餐廳嘢食好有驚喜,冇諗過素食都可以咁好食🤤食完飽肚又完全冇負擔❣️一定會再encore🥰餐廳喺回收方面都好環保,食完可以根據只是將垃圾放回相應回收箱🌳 值得一讚! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-05-21
15 瀏覽
我剪完頭髮就係附近搵嘢食,見到Treehouse 就入去,因為好鍾意佢嘅sourdough 。Tree House提供嘅餐點新鮮健康,而且味道豐富,絕對能夠滿足你對中東美食嘅期望Treehouse plate(捲餅拼盤)🥙🥙呢個捲餅拼盤絕對係Tree House嘅招牌菜式。入面包括酸種餅皮、烤豆餅、烤大蒜鷹嘴豆泥、炸豆丸、烤茄子、烤甜椒、青瓜、沙律菜同芝麻醬。每一種元素都帶有中東獨特嘅風味同質感,你可以將不同嘅配料包裹喺酸種餅皮度,創造出屬於自己嘅口味組合。Pine(松餅)🌯🌯呢款松餅入面包括素食乳酪、za'atar、番茄、青瓜、各式混合橄欖同薄荷。味道清新,松餅蓬鬆Tree House嘅菜單除咗以上兩款推薦菜式仲有更多選擇,佢哋嘅食材新鮮,每一道菜式都帶有濃郁嘅中東風味。餐廳環境舒適,令人感到放鬆同。無論你係素食者、中東美食愛好者,Tree House都係一個值得一試嘅餐廳。 繼續閱讀
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The name "Treehouse" is indeed fitting. They are self-sufficient and practice sustainable vegetarian cuisine. They make everything in-house and even recycle kitchen waste. During lunchtime, the restaurant is always bustling with customers, mostly foreigners. The prices are on the higher side, but they manage to attract a group of quality-conscious diners. After trying it myself, I can confirm that the quality matches the price. Tundra Burger - The patty is made from roasted pumpkin and grains. Although it lacks the meaty texture and juiciness, the taste is truly comparable to a real burger. You can choose between vegan or cow milk cheese. The bread is made with their own sourdough recipe and is complemented by a special herb sauce. It's definitely a well-thought-out creation.For an additional $60, you can upgrade to the soup of the day: carrot ginger. It has a delightful combination of carrot puree and ginger. As a ginger lover, I was very satisfied with the taste.Cedar Salad Bowl - It consists of lettuce, avocado, pickled red onions, kale, roasted pumpkin, and a 4-grain mix including brown rice, millet, red rice, and quinoa. Since I'm not a big fan of raw salad greens, I asked them to omit them to reduce waste. However, you can actually choose from nearly 40 toppings of your choice. I was just being lazy and went with their pre-selected option. Make sure to try it with the Chipotle sauce! It's a smoky and spicy mayo sauce that adds a fiery kick to the salad. It's a perfect finishing touch that enhances the overall flavor. Each bite is a delight! Macadamia Chocolate Chip CookieThese cookies are primarily made with raw cane sugar, coconut oil, wheat flour, and soy milk. They are low in calories and guilt-free.  It would be even better if they could offer a low-sugar option as well.Overall, Treehouse lives up to its name by providing self-sustaining and delicious vegetarian cuisine. It's a place worth trying for those who appreciate high-quality food. 繼續閱讀
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啱啱喺附近做好檢查想食清淡啲就搵到呢間素食餐廳,本身都諗住係口淡淡食一餐,點知原來素食都可以咁健康同好味。CWB platter呢個platter真係顛覆我對素食嘅想像就算平時有食開沙律,但係呢一個簡直程係昇華版,營養同埋種類都係更多而且味道好豐富,有甜椒,酸瓜,茄子,各式各樣嘅沙律菜同埋有南瓜籽烤餅以及烤包,而且佢嘅烤蒜鷹咀豆醬同芝麻醬更加話可以話係神來之筆令到成個沙律提升不少。跟住再飲杯美式咖啡,呢杯美式咖啡比起出面好多餐廳都好飲,非常香醇,咖啡味好岩我口味,慢慢享受下餐廳輕鬆同埋歐美嘅環保,年輕氣息。原本仲驚唔飽以及見到係呢間餐廳嘅主打就買咗個wrap,不過轉頭食返仍然風味依然,同樣係素食但係口感同味道唔會令你覺得好單調,食落係好飽足同埋滿足味蕾,對呢間餐廳嘅食物非常滿意絕對要成為我bookmark之一。 繼續閱讀
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