港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約8分鐘 繼續閱讀
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12:00 - 00:00
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食評 (28)
等級4 2023-11-14
4138 瀏覽
餐廳前身是中央裁判司署,活化後,成為帶有英倫風格的華麗典雅的西餐廳,氣派非凡,環境美輪美奐。Lunch Set $788 per person. 入座後,餐廳會先送上麵包籃及牛油,麵包是有焗熱的,中間軟熟,外層偏硬帶有咬口,加上香濃的牛油,味道很不錯。StartersPacific Blue Prawn Cocktail擺款吸引的鮮蝦雞尾酒,蝦肉新鮮彈牙,加上檸檬及餐廳自家制的醬汁,十分開胃。檸檬貼心地用布包裹,不用擔心有檸檬籽跑出來的問題。Pastry-Topped French Onion Soup 同事選擇了酥皮洋蔥湯,鬆化帶牛油香的酥皮下面有大量焦糖化的洋蔥,更附上芝士,可以在切開酥皮後再加入洋蔥湯之中,味道濃郁出色。MainsWhole-Roasted Prime Striploin餐廳會在客人面前分切牛肋扒,再淋上醬汁,十分有儀式感。6小時慢烤的牛肋扒,表面有芥末同洋蔥脆皮,中間是可口的粉紅色,肉質嫩,肉味濃,加上辣根奶油及牛肉汁,味道出色有驚喜,口感有變化。Roasted Salmon同事表示三文魚就比較普遍,三文魚的忌廉汁比三文魚出色。Side DishesQuality Chop House Confit Potatoes 油封薯塊酥脆,但味道比較淡,沾上牛肋扒醬汁就剛剛好。Creamed Spinach份量大,而且有濃濃的芝士味道。Over-Roasted Baby Carrots外表平凡但有驚喜的配菜,胡蘿蔔以牛油、黃糖同蜜糖醬汁烹調,味道香甜,不會有青草的腥味,而且分量不少。DessertDark Chocolate Pudding 70%黑巧克力配香草奶油,與日式布甸不一樣,口感更像是滑身的慕絲蛋糕,朱古力味濃郁,是令人滿足的飯後甜品。Sticky Toffee Pudding with Vanilla ice cream熱辣辣的蛋糕淋上Toffee焦糖醬,再加上雲尼拿雪糕,一冷一熱的口感十分出色。餐廳環境實在太加分,服務也很貼心,會講解每一道菜的特色,十分殷勤。食物份量同味道都有驚喜。午餐價錢偏貴,但整體質素高,適合慶祝特別節日,享受充滿儀式感的用餐時間。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-03-22
319 瀏覽
位於大館嘅Magistracy Dining Room, 前身係百年古蹟嘅中史裁判司署,翻新之後仍然保存住古蹟嘅structure, 傢俬同燈具都係modern vintage style,多detail得嚟唔會over power。 加上two story building高嘅樓底,環境氣氛一流,絕對係慶生/ 紀念日嘅好地方。環境雖然100分,不過service就零分🫠落錯Main Course(朋友唔食牛,等緊碟永遠唔會嚟嘅魚),無寫已requested嘅birthday card (留意返,佢係有打嚟覆啲wording), 無問過想食乜dessert就無啦啦插蠟燭上個chocolate mosses🤷🏻‍♀️雖然係咁,但係啲嘢食係好食嘅Prime Rib $988雖然service零分,但個Prime Rib係的確好食嘅。慢烤六個鐘嘅Rib,肉質好嫩,牛味重又多汁,連埋啲脂肪一齊食,好好食🥹上菜嘅時候,佢會推架放住prime Rib既service cart到你枱邊,係你面前切塊牛扒出嚟。然後淋上熱到出煙嘅牛肉汁,成件事好有儀式感🤌🏼Cadoret Fines de Bretagne Oysters $398 half dozen新鮮juicy, 唔錯Hamachi Crudo $428好食,但overprice 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-09-05
2575 瀏覽
The environment and atmosphere there was amazing, very classy and kept the decoration from the former magistracy building, deserve you a visit to immerse yourself into this unforgettable dinning experience.The service was amazing too, everyone there would serve you with a big smile from you firstly stepping in the restaurant and a welcome drink is ready.We have order a dozen of oysters as the appetiser, which are so fresh and yummy!Later to warm up our stomach, we have ordered each person a pot of pastry topped French onion soup, so yummy, not too salty and the pastry on top to dip with the soup is just amazing. As our main, we ordered prime rib and dover sole, the prime rib is cut by the chef in front of us with salt for seasoning, so yummy, and the Dover sole was served with meunière and lemon, simple but fresh and yummy! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-09-01
1987 瀏覽
慶祝生日🎉家人選擇了前身為中央裁判司署現在改建後成為古典優雅的高級餐廳❤️,英倫風格配上城堡式華麗裝修氣派非凡,慶祝首選👍🏻打卡一流☺️ ~Pastry-Topped French Onion Soup 🔺酥皮切開再加芝士粉好好味🤤但洋䓤湯太鹹 ~Double-Baked Lincolnshire Poacher Soufflé 🔺味道正常發揮🙃 ~Prime Rib 牛肋排 🔺是日最欣賞好味😋在你面前切好有儀式感❤️ ~Chicken & Mushroom Pie 🔺比想像中大份🤩 ~Quality Chop House Confit Potatoes 🔺超級好味🫶🏻鬆脆👍🏻👍🏻 ~Dark Chocolate Pudding 🔺餐廳送上蠟燭及生日卡,好有心❤️服務一流 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-07-11
2388 瀏覽
I would say the only good thing in this place is the environment. The portion of the dishes are big, but they’re still extremely over priced. Most of the food has intense and overpowering flavors. We had onion soup, it tastes sugary sweet which mask all natural onion flavor; the Dover Sole tastes like a steam fish swimming in oily butter, which is extremely heavy; the prime rib is ok but still don’t worth $1000 a piece, you can have much better steak at the price tag. For the side dish, the asparagus is too salty, potatoes is the only food we enjoyed, it’s nice and crispy.We ordered flaming Alaska as dessert, the show is nice, but you’re paying $700 for the show, it tastes super sweet and dense, not worth it. For the service, inattentive, and a bit snobby. The service is super slow, I literally fell asleep in between the appetizers and the main dish. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)