港鐵金鐘站 F 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
Le Petit Saigon (little brother and next door neighbour to Saigonese grill house, Le Garçon Saigon) serves up the city’s favourite banh mi. Like the best banh mi shops in Vietnam, the menu is focused and the sandwiches are offered for takeaway only - guests are encouraged to perch on the stoop outside and enjoy their sandwiches curbside as they do in Vietnam. 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 AE 銀聯 微信支付 PayMe
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (18)
等級4 2023-04-18
1196 瀏覽
餐廳整個氣氛很有法國越南感覺,廚師和職員都是外國人,在星街的某一個店鋪內,堂食位置不多,只要一張高枱向在街外,所以决定多一場浪漫,點外賣再在星街附近的公眾桌椅感受人來人往的氣氛慢活一下。點了一份法包,一份脆薯寶同一杯特飲,兩個人一起分享,份量剛剛好。店員在替你包好食物前,還替你把法包一分成二,也會給你多一個紙袋很貼心。脆薯寶太棒了,小小一顆顆,金黃的香香的脆脆的熱辣辣的,一口一粒很棒。法包,反而被它比下去,不過不失,感覺脆薯寶成為了餐廳的賣點。🤣 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
black sheep旗下的Le Petit Saigon,專賣越式法包,裡面只係三個位,門外亦有幾個位可以坐,所以好多人都會黎買外賣拎走。呢到的法包比坊間的偏軟,似歐式軟包多啲,個人鐘意啲更有咬勁的法包,不過呢個都算高質,做到外脆內軟,唔會好乾。雞包裡面係滿滿的雞腿肉,所以好滑,一啲都唔難咬,不過冇乜調味,肝醬唔算特別惹味,落好多蛋黃醬。成個包好飽滿,整體都好夾,$118雖然貴左啲,但呢到的環境加野食,都可以再encore。豬同雞都值得一試,豬係一大塊薄片,內裡大約有三塊。豆腐就冇叫了,好似冇乜特別。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-10-02
638 瀏覽
4/5The best banh mi I had in Hong Kong. Each ham, each meat have different flavour, create different layer of effect. The pickles the herbs just Brighten up the whole sandwiches.Just wish there would be more more more pate. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-08-24
578 瀏覽
越式法包喺越南食過,通常都係喺街邊小販檔,感覺都唔係好衛生,因為啲材料放晒出嚟。但呢一間餐廳喺灣仔,就一啲都唔同,非常之衛生乾淨。佢舖頭入邊嘅座位唔係好多,只有大約四個位,通常啲人都係買走外賣去食,諗吓諗吓其實買佢去野餐都係一個唔錯嘅選擇。叫咗呢一個卡式嘅選擇有啲醃咗嘅雜菜絲紅蘿蔔、洋蔥,仲有一片片嘅扎肉,食起嚟非常之咁清新,冇咁飽肚嘅效果。而且法包烘得超級脆,配襯埋爽脆嘅蔬菜絲,就飯重嘅享受。Philly Steak呢個係期間限量嘅選擇,係咪睇到個樣都覺得好邪惡但係又好吸引呢?我諗男士會比較鍾意,我男朋友愛呢一個就係因為佢超鍾意芝士又鍾意食肉。一片片醃好咗嘅牛肉片,調味惹味,富有焦香嘅燒烤味,融化咗嘅芝士配襯埋佢個法包超正!呢一個脆薯寶大家都一定要叫,佢每一粒薯寶都炸到好趣,外脆內軟,而且點埋佢個辣嘅蛋黃醬,有少少蒜辣香味,好合襯。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-07-16
394 瀏覽
[ Le petit Saigon | 灣仔 ]Very crowded today with all the bar seats occupied as well as a long line for takeaway. The four people in front of me all got the tofu banh Mi so I know I made the right choice by getting it too. There was a new counter staff today and he was so nice and friendly. I was being very annoying when I asked for takeaway at first then changed to dine in but his attitude stayed positive and enthusiastic! —— —— Banh Mi Chay // Fried Tofu Banh Mi $98 Unfortunately, the chicken Banh Mi is better in my opinion. First off, the bread to filling ratio is off with a huge piece of bread that had to be eaten by itself. The lack of pate also made it less enjoyable, the bread was also not warm like last time even though I had to wait 10 minutes to eat it and today I ate it straight away. Moreover, the tofu is very thin and they only gave me 3 pieces which was very sad. Although the five-spice flavor does come through and does taste delicious, I wish there was more for this hefty price. The pickles are crunchy and spicy, same for all their Banh Mis. No complaints there and it does pair well with the tofu. Also there is 1 single cucumber in the sandwich that’s coated in a scallion oil sauce (similar to the ones for 白切雞) which was the best thing I’ve eaten in the whole sandwich. 推介 ❌💬 Overall, would rather get their chicken for the same price as it’s tastier and has more. This sandwich is not as filling as the chicken too due to lack of protein so recommend getting a snack with it. 🗓 Revisit? ✅ / ❎ might go and try other Banh mi places before coming back here 繼續閱讀
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