港鐵炮台山站 B 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
裝修簡潔光亮,餐廳名以瑞士南部世界最長鐵路隧道為名,主打瑞士及意大利風味菜式。傳統烤瑞士軟芝士、彈牙足料海鮮意粉、紐西蘭西冷牛扒均為熱門菜式。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 21:30
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 21:30
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:30
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:30
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 21:30
Visa Master 現金
電話訂座 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (72)
今日朋友帶咗我去一間佢成日食嘅西餐廳,佢話性價比極高,仲有我最鍾意食嘅黑毛豬,一入到餐廳環境好舒服,係半開放式可以望住出邊嘅街道好chill咁食lunch。今日朋友帶咗我去一間佢成日食嘅西餐廳,佢話性價比極高,仲有我最鍾意食嘅黑毛豬,一入到餐廳環境好舒服,係半開放式可以望住出邊嘅街道好chill咁食lunch。我叫咗一份西班牙黑毛豬肉眼,$135包一杯餐飲,餐湯要另外加$10。order食物後好快就上碟,厚厚嘅黑毛豬切成幾大塊,未放入口已經望到充滿肉汁,咬落去果然好Juicy,完全冇煮過龍,配搭菠蘿杜卡香料醬,口味好夾完全中和哂油膩感😍 其他薯菜都好新鮮,最驚喜係個粟米蓉,平時食薯蓉就食得多,呢個粟米蓉真係好特別又滑又香濃同行嘅朋友叫咗個海陸大餐,有牛扒有魚有蝦仲有三文魚沙律,視覺上好豐富。朋友分咗一小件紐西蘭西冷牛扒同炸鱈魚俾我試食,西冷牛扒好重牛味又軟冧,炸鱈魚絕對係我嘅至愛,啱啱炸起入口仲係熱辣辣,魚肉好爽口勁香,絕對食得出唔係平價嘅鯰魚柳。總括嚟講,今次嘅用餐體驗好輕鬆好食,而且兩個餐點價錢都好合理,因為用料真係唔錯,廚師嘅火候都控制得唔錯,下次經過炮台山都有興趣再試。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-11-18
1512 瀏覽
這間平價高級歐陸菜餐廳由5星酒店大廚主理,帶來令人驚艷的美食體驗。意粉成為亮點,入口即化的質感和豐富的醬汁展現出大廚獨特的手藝。海鮮菜色傾注新鮮感,令人一試難忘。Fish & chips成為不可錯過的推介,酥脆的外皮包裹著鮮嫩的魚肉,帶有淡淡的海鮮風味,堪稱經典之選。Beef Wellington更是帶有濃厚的人情味,每一口都充滿著令人難以忘懷的美好回憶。甜品方面,Churro成為完美的結尾,其香脆外皮和軟糯內層結合西班牙風情,味道超越對甜品的期待。這家餐廳不僅帶給顧客高級的用餐體驗,更展現了主廚對歐陸美食的獨到理解。總的來說,這裡的菜色不僅價格合理,更散發著高級餐廳的精緻風采。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-10-07
1204 瀏覽
平時經過見到呢一間西餐廳都會俾佢寧靜嘅環境吸引咗,今次終於有機會入去試吓😍小店主打高質嘅西餐美食,例如係海鮮,以及其他意粉等等嘅食品!我對佢最深刻嘅,一定係佢嘅焗聖子,佢哋用咗意大利嘅醬汁去烹調聖子,而且聖子嘅用了非常之新鮮,絕對係值得一試嘅一個菜色!另外佢哋都有好多唔同嘅西餐菜式可以試㗎,譬如係意粉或者係牛扒等等,質素都唔錯㗎,佢哋喺唔同嘅節日都會推出一啲嘅套餐,大家有興趣都可以去預約試一試佢哋嘅出品! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-08-07
1277 瀏覽
Terrible dine-in experience with poor service and poor food.On my birthday this year, I decided to dine-in there despite all the troubles to take my toddler to travel long distance under super hot weather and no lift at the MTR station.However, we were not welcomed because we brought our stroller with us. We made a reservation with request for baby seat. We forgot to ask about space for stroller. We got a table next to the door. They said the stroller (folded up) will block the sensor of the automatic door in case putting on the right of the table. The customer on the left refused to allow our folded up stroller to be put on the left of our table. They insisted that we have to put the stroller outside the shop which I am not comfortable with. Without offering any other help or solution like putting else where in the shop or changing us to another table or moving the table a little bit in case it blocks the sensor, the staff even just walked away leaving us at the table. Finally the stroller was settled which we put it on the left of the table and It was tested that it will not block the sensor. Despite the incident we chose to stay for dinner since we made the reservation. However the food was so disappointing. Spaghetti with pulled pork in tomato source also went wrong. The meat was hardly noticable and there was chopped skin of boiled tomatoes which you feel like eating pieces of paper. The potato skin on the side of another dish was also hard to chew and the clams were tasteless. The meal was so tiring and unpleasant. We decided to skip dessert even it was my birthday.My birthday dinner was ruined by this terrible dine-in experience.Highly not recommended.No next time. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-06-15
1165 瀏覽
未有機會試佢嘅晚餐適逢經過開附近就去試一試佢嘅午餐本人覺得正常普通嗰隻feel唔會覺得難吃又未去到好食唔知道晚餐同午餐用嘅食材會唔會唔同叫左牛扒同雞扒雞扒係幾滑嘅牛扒有少少失望啲肉質唔係咁正但係咁嘅價錢有咁嘅地方都冇得投訴😎會再試吓個晚餐 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)