港鐵灣仔站 B1 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (8)
品牌創立於2015年,集合肉店、雜貨店和英式餐飲三個元素,主張引入農場直送的優質食材,更供應不含激素、抗生素和生長刺激劑的肉類。 繼續閱讀
07:00 - 22:00
07:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (73)
去的是灣仔的分店,內外裝潢都非常美式復古,打卡一流心食物也相當不錯,除了有點貴,基本上都沒有毛病1. The Butcher's BreakfastSourdough 任添,上了 sourdough 後會譲食客選兩款抹醬,我選了 plum jam 和 peanut butter然後個兩人份量的breakfast上菜,份量相當驚人,尤其是牛骨髓非常大支,一入口,滿口的油脂味道和牛的香味在口中爆發,抹一點在sourdough上吃也非常香口,就是有點鹹其他食物水準也不錯,就是煙肉有點乾2. Steak & Chips上牛扒後也會讓食客選兩款醬,我選了wholegrain mustard 和 Dijon,我真的好愛芥未醬牛扒嫩口多汁,本來在網評看都有人說有點韌,但我這塊沒有,配上的烤蒜也香,牛扒餐本身也配綠胡椒奶油醬,和牛扒非常夾配菜是薯條,我本來是比較偏好幼薯條,但這粗薯條我也非常滿意,因爲它非常脆口,炸得剛剛好兩個餐3個女士基本上是吃不完的真的比想像中分量多3. Lemongrass tea堅持多年有得選擇的時候盡量喝熱飲,所以今天30多度又熱又焗我也是喝熱茶,茶沒什麼特別,用來清口消膩而已 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-11-19
1473 瀏覽
the T-bone is large in portion and its good for sharing with a group of friends/people. the meat is simply seasoned but its still flavourful and it tastes beefy! the meat and the fat are well-balanced so its not too fatty or too lean! the meat is tender and softGo on a tuesday for their promotional T-bone Tuesday, where all the TBone steak are on 50% discount!! Additionally, also try their bone marrow and bread combination, as it brings the savory buttery combination in your mouth!! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-09-15
986 瀏覽
中午又是沒有吃午餐的我,開了這間餐廳,裝修開陽,全間店舖都是落地玻璃,雖然對面是垃圾站,但是沒有影響感官,因為周圍的景色也是唯美的 。吃了一個日本南瓜沙律,還好的,就是我覺得南瓜的質地可以沒有那麼硬就好了,另外雜菜沙律,覺得調味方便有一點不適合香港人,因為沒有足夠的甜味和酸味,不知是否調味的時候選擇錯誤。另外主菜叫了大啡菇配肉眼扒,也挺好食的 ,大啡菇質地嫩滑,牛肉肉汁鮮嫩,很大份,而且醬料的味道很濃,煮餐是很好的 另外喝了一杯士多啤梨特飲,味道也很不錯,我的朋友叫了一杯咖啡,拉花圖案做得很漂亮!最後點了一個甜品,是雪糕三文治,這個是麥芽糖餅夾着麥芽糖雪糕這樣的味道,但是我點這個,有點後悔,因為麥芽糖餅太甜了,有點超越了我的甜極限!由於叫得太多東西了,所以最後也吃剩了很多。總算得到一些經驗,知道如果下次再來的時候,應該叫什麼,不應該叫什麼吃!午餐平均每人消費$400左右,算是比較昂貴的。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-09-14
652 瀏覽
I have order 6 pcs cheese croissant by phone at 12/9 afternoon, and ask to collect at the next day 2pm.When I go to restaurant to collect, the staff tell me there are no any booking. But they can bake it if I can wait 10mins.Its sure I can wait due need to spend 10mins only. And I told the staff I will come back later.After 15mins, I back to restaurant and want to pick up my order, the staff told me they are busy so need to wait 10mins more.That’s ok! I wait...After 15 mins, staff told me they are still busy, but the chef is making, so I still need to wait.At around 2:40, the staff feel awkward and said she can offer some drink to me, but I dont need this.She said they a so busy at the lunch time, but I just want to say I am not a walk-in request, I call your restaurant already yesterday!At last I totally spend 50 mins for waiting 6pcs croissant due the restaurant’s management mistake. They still don't feel it's their fault even though they forgot the customer's order. Even if they know they have forgotten, they still will not make amends.Of course, all the croissants were overbaked and burnt and inedible. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-07-11
1007 瀏覽
🥩50%off T-bone steak on Tuesday! .🥩T-bone steak🥦Mashed cauliflower 🥦Broccolini .💭Thoughts: Their T-bone steak had a strong beef flavour. Personally I liked the texture of the tenderloin better than the sirloin, partly because the tenderloin wasn’t as thick and so was a more perfect medium rare whereas the sirloin was thicker so the centre was less cooked through. .The mashed cauliflower was so buttery and creamy and took away some of that guilt that comes with eating mashed potatoes 🤣 .The broccolini were way too salty at first but then the server was really helpful and got us another serving of broccolini with no salt. 👍🏻.📋Tips: The restaurant was buzzing with people there for their 50% off deal, so be sure to book ahead to secure your seats! .😋Recommend? ✅ 👩🏻‍🍳Food rating: 4/5👩🏻‍⚖️Overall experience rating: 4/5 繼續閱讀
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