港鐵佐敦站 D 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
07:00 - 21:30
07:00 - 21:30
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食評 (37)
等級1 2024-05-16
0 瀏覽
今日Lunch同友人食唔到澳牛(原來逢星期二唔開),一心想飲杯好味奶茶之下搵到呢間茶餐廳,自聲家傳之味嘅金二少奶茶我叫左一個茶餐,個湯底同叉燒都好鹹,要姐姐比杯熱水加入去沖淡,然後滑蛋鹹到即刻叫姐姐換返走鹽嘅俾我,佢話得煎蛋可走鹽,唯有照食。友人嘅三杯雞飯上到嚟同冬菇炆雞一樣,又係好鹹,好難食。奶茶普通,無特別comment,唔使特登為咗呢杯奶茶嚟。 繼續閱讀
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放工之後,諗住搵間冰室快食晚餐就回家。侍應好有禮貌,親自幫我點餐,仲介紹奶茶加埋隻熊仔可以打吓卡。咁我本身都想試吓佢個奶茶嘅!叫左招牌荷葉土魷肉餅蒸飯, 加埋冰凍熊仔奶茶。首先黎左個冰凍熊仔奶茶,叫晚餐就加$18有樽裝奶茶,加$19就有埋隻熊仔俾你打卡。奶茶入口係濃厚嘅,奶味偏重,甜度適中,隻熊仔打卡係幾靚,半個鐘都未溶哂,有排你影😂晚餐叫左個招牌荷葉土魷肉餅蒸飯10分鐘内就已上菜,本身想叫少飯(以為佢係分開上), 侍應話唔得,唔係分開,冇得少飯。上菜係原個上,有個籠仔上有塊荷葉,再放蒸飯上有肉餅同埋幾舊土魷。 蒸飯同肉餅係熱嘅,肉餅一入口就溶,味道正常,土魷就常溫啦,不過硬嘅。最厲害係塊荷葉,係凍架🤣因為蒸飯冇乜荷葉味,所以就好奇摸吓塊荷葉😂點知凍嘅,即係落單先執埋一齊啦!咁咪可以少飯囉😂環境唔大,如果你拎住一大袋野就要打橫先行到,唔算寬敞囉。咁平日文晚都唔算多人,可以慢慢坐。另外,一路食一路有2隻蚊定烏蠅飛黎飛去都唔走,咁睇應該唔會有下次啦。附近有好多餐廳可選擇。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-03-10
167 瀏覽
没有礼貌,态度极差,姐姐姨妈到心情唔好就唔应该反工奶茶一般般没有茶味,菠萝包唔新鲜,凌茶没有柠檬味the sitting environment is clean and comfortable however staff attitude is totally unacceptable, this restaurant needs to remind itself that it is providing not just food but also basic service to consumers and there are tons of char chan tengs in Hong Kong doing the same , f&b is a competitive industry, this restaurant really needs to rethink its strategy if it wishes to continue using staff with bad attitude plenty of room for improvement for food quality 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
行入金二少,光猛門面勁吸引住我,一坐低就忍不住叫咗碗南瓜海鮮咖喱焗飯。開動一刻,個南瓜口感綿滑去到好舍得,咖喱嘅香味係咁溢出嚟,香濃滋味,霸晒口。海鮮都新鮮夠晒彈牙,飯又入味,完全係想像中嘅味覺狂歡會呀!😋再嚟,個朱古力棉花糖焗多士,睇落就好心水!多士烤到外脆內軟,朱古力攪和埋棉花糖嘅味道,甜得嚟又唔黏牙,嗰份花生醬加咗層惹味,真係甜得嚟又唔覺膩,講真,食完係會掛住嘅!🍞🍫最後,梗係唔少得招牌樽仔奶茶喇!幾個字形容佢?簡單講就係「真心好飲」。奶茶平衡得好出色,淡淡茶香襯托住奶味兒,啱啱哋滑過喉嚨,令人一試難忘!總括嚟講,金二少冰室食物冧爆,氣氛正,下次情報再來,要試埋其他款喇!🥤🤤 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-10
220 瀏覽
This cha chan teng caught my eye recently with their creative twists on traditional Hong Kong cha chan teng favourites! We tried out this spot and were pretty impressed! 🇭🇰 Pic 1️⃣: 一夜暴富劉華多士 - $45 hkd 🍞 — One of their signature items here and a definite must-try! A creative take on the classic HK-style french toast, but this one’s topped with Ovaltine, Coco Chex cereal and filled with a decadent, creamy condensed milk that’s makes you feel so guilty but so worth it. This is definitely on the sweeter side but it’s totally worth the try! The powdered Ovaltine gives it a rich chocolatey flavour, and the coco chex gives it a good crunch. This is served piping hot so the condensed milk filling is guaranteed to be extremely runny when the toast is cut open. Pic 2️⃣: 北極熊紅豆冰 - (+$16 hkd on the tea set) 🫘🧊 — One of my favourite drinks ever and this one’s just extra cute! Good coconut milk to red bean ratio, loved that it wasn’t overly sweet either. The polar bear ice is actually frozen coconut milk so you don’t have to worry about your drink being watered down whilst the ice melts!Pic 3️⃣: 一口西多士 - $36 — A classic afternoon tea option that does not disappoint. These french toast cubes were perfectly coated in their delicious egg batter and deep fried to perfection to give it that crispy exterior whilst the inside was still nice and soft. This went perfectly with the slab of butter and golden syrup. The cubes make this a lot more convenient to eat too! 繼續閱讀
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