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食評 (5)
等級4 2022-09-29
124 瀏覽
德國熱狗 x 茶匠元朗教育路37號南天大廈地下5B號舖行到好攰又唔算好餓🫣見到門口好特別咁見到X茶匠🆚覺得店名係MIX既再行入去先知真係2間店黎架買熱狗再買珍珠奶茶會平幾蚊〽️入面餐牌有超級多款熱狗小食同飲品選擇 平時有係其他店食開熱狗🌭今次試下佢先一入門口好懷舊呀😳😳見到佢貼住左有新野推出 試下先 等緊果陣可以睇到佢係開放式廚房仲睇住佢係即叫即炸🌭亞美利堅呢個包唔係傳統熱狗包 完全唔係有腸仔係入面既今次係入面係一舊舊炸雞🐥放係包入面個包鬆軟D唔係硬綁綁既 自家製茄汁2樣夾埋居然都夾WO🤓炸薯寶炸到好香 唔油膩 炸得好酥脆 可以得閑去試下😚 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2022-07-27
157 瀏覽
Just want to give a thumbs up on this shop! I recently moved to Yuen Long and saw this little shop.The Food was nice and reasonable on price!Will definitely come back for it again. Sorry that i didn't take any photos, but  would like to  encourage this shop for the effort!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2022-02-21
484 瀏覽
今日黎德國熱狗買外賣,次次黎到見到咁多腸都唔知點簡好。不過望下望下又比我望到個雙芝士漢堡,睇下漢堡既水準會唔會同熱狗差好遠,跟住叫多個芝士熱狗比屋企人。兩個都係跟餐,本身想要薯餅,但係佢無晒貨,唯有要薯條,另外再包氣水。一大開個雙芝士漢堡,已經覺得好大份,2塊漢堡再加滿滿既芝士,好好食。而薯條炸得好脆,完全唔會輸比薯餅,亦都好食過好多快餐店同西餐廳。不過個芝士熱狗係好食既,但屋企人就覺得芝士唔係好夠。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-02-07
249 瀏覽
A joint offering a range of “fusion” hotdogs! You can choose from their numerous creations which have funny names and creative combination of ingredients, or build your own with their wide range of wieners to create your own flavorBig dog bigSorry taking the picture after a bite, was too eager😂 it’s a more traditional hotdog with 170g brat wurst, relish, cheddar cheese and medical chili, a safe and tasty combination!!Iceland garlic My favorite combination of a 9in chicken frankfurter, German curry ketchup and most importantly: a generous amount of GARLIC BUTTER! Simple but delicious creationWhile we’re a big fan of their creativity, we didn’t really like the fries and the homemade ketchup which was a little bland.. can try some other sides next visit! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
熱狗同薯條係正既。山長水遠黎到元朗,記得上次試過都唔錯,難得佢新年又有開。今次見茶匠做緊試業promotion, 買熱狗再買野飲減5蚊。諗住叫杯珍奶唔會出事la...明既試業真係包涵,但一杯普通到一街都賣緊既黑糖珍珠鮮奶茶,黑糖一pat pat 啫喱咁,仲要冇甜味,珍珠又冇味,食緊膠咁,奶又冇味茶又冇味.......大佬呀,你賣比人自己都試下先丫.......sorry,飲左幾啖就掉左........相都影唔切......味道的2分完全屬於熱狗的🙏🏻 繼續閱讀
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