以砂鍋呈獻多款中式料理的餐廳,新鮮熱辣辣的菜式非常暖胃,且價格相宜;其中招牌蟹粥入口香甜,適合和家人及朋友共享。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 21:00
11:30 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (28)
等級2 2024-04-08
23 瀏覽
📍大澳砂鍋王❣️軟腳蟹3隻軟腳蟹都比較大隻, 未到好脆口所以軟骨位有少少難咬🦀但係都真係啖啖肉🤪味道比較淡 可以自行加豉油 即刻好食咗好多😝唔可以話頂級嘅好食 但係依個價錢食到啖啖蟹肉 CP值都幾高✌🏻💰99/3❣️水蟹甜粥有大鍋同中鍋(1-2人). 大鍋$128 中鍋$68. 水蟹好鮮甜令到成碗粥都好入味 而且水蟹嘅數量都真係幾多吓✌🏻 食碗粥有~一半都係蟹 ❗️不過如果唔鐘意食芫荽嘅朋友要留意下 因為都有頗多芫荽喺入面 可以問下可唔可以走芫荽 🌿💰128.❣️蠔餅我地就係見到9.9蚊蠔餅入去食😋 依個CP值都幾高😝同出面食冇咩分別 都好多蠔仔 做有魚露俾你做調味👌🏻💰9.9#大澳 #大澳美食 #大澳海鮮 #大澳砂鍋王 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-04-03
34 瀏覽
今日嚟到大澳完全唔知道有咩好食?行吓行吓經過一間小廚望入去都幾多人,小店一間座位唔多,不過老闆好好特登幫我哋炒個銀針粉本應佢話嗰日係冇銀針粉,我哋叫咗蟹粥,豬什,炒銀針粉,個豬什真係好有驚喜,豬粉腸肥嘟嘟完全冇苦澀味👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻本人對豬什有少許研究,佢個湯底好清好好味好夠胡椒味,豬肚每一嚿切得好均勻,豬紅軟硬適中,可以媲美我喺上環食嗰間好出名嘅豬什,蟹粥亦都好甜,不過拆蟹就麻煩少少,地方整體嚟講都乾淨👍🏻👍🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-03-30
26 瀏覽
In a bustling corner in Tai O, this restaurant is famous for its delicious food and unique ambiance. This restaurant offers a variety of food options, with the most popular ones being clay pot rice, salt and pepper soft shell crab, large scallion pancakes, steamed mussels, and stinky tofu.Let's start with their signature dish - clay pot rice. It is known for its fragrant rice and rich toppings. Each bite carries the unique charred aroma of the clay pot, making it incredibly flavorful. Each ingredient is carefully cooked in the clay pot, resulting in a dish that is both visually appealing and delicious.Next is the salt and pepper soft shell crab. This dish is famous for its tender and juicy crab meat and crispy outer shell. Each soft shell crab is carefully selected, seasoned, and deep-fried to a golden and crunchy perfection. Paired with the unique flavor of salt and pepper, every bite delivers the sweetness of the crab meat and a hint of spiciness, making it a favorite among seafood lovers.In addition to these signature dishes, the restaurant offers a variety of other exquisite foods. For example, their large scallion pancakes are a must-try snack. The pancake has a soft and fluffy texture with a rich filling. Furthermore, their steamed mussels are known for their fresh mussels and flavorful broth, bringing out the full taste of the seafood. If you're up for trying something different, their stinky tofu is definitely a challenge. This traditional Taiwanese street food is known for its unique smell and soft texture.Apart from the delicious food, the restaurant is also loved for its unique ambiance. The restaurant creates a spacious and comfortable dining space with a modern yet cozy atmosphere. Whether you're sharing a meal with family or gathering with friends, it provides a pleasant and relaxed dining experience.Lastly, the restaurant offers reasonable and affordable prices, ensuring that you don't have to worry about breaking the bank. Whether you want to enjoy the delicious clay pot rice, salt and pepper soft shell crab, or other exquisite dishes, they cater to your taste buds without emptying your wallet.In conclusion, this is a restaurant known for its delicious food and inviting ambiance. Their clay pot rice, salt and pepper soft shell crab, large scallion pancakes, steamed mussels, and stinky tofu are all outstanding dishes, carefully prepared and bursting with flavors. The restaurant offers a comfortable and spacious environment where you can enjoy the food and socialize with ease. Moreover, the prices are reasonable, making it a great choice for a satisfying dining experience. If you're looking for a place to indulge in exceptional cuisine, consider visiting Food Paradise, and you'll surely create wonderful memories. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-12-28
233 瀏覽
今天入大澳買虾醬、海味、糯米糍,順路醫肚。走在大街上見到盡頭有人潮,走近聞到香味,再看一看餐牌,被水蟹粥吸引進來。我們一行四人, order了水蟹粥、軟殼蟹、臘味煲仔飯、青口煲、蠔餅…..還有飲品:奶茶、檸檬茶、咖啡。水蟹粥:潮式做法,帶有濃烈鮮味…唔錯。軟殼蟹:必食之選,椒鹽香味…零舍不同。臘味煲仔飯:一般,下次可以試吓其他煲仔飯或蒸飯。青口煲:微辣,這種香料味零舍不同。蠔餅:必食之選, $9.8平通全大澳。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-05-21
753 瀏覽
今日由東涌行山行到大澳都好曬下,行左四小時左右,己經好肚餓,落到大澳揾野食,上次喺呢間小店食過水蟹粥同冰鎮猪手,今次就試砂鍋蠔仔肉碎粥$78,上湯猪什$58同叫左杯凍檸茶$18,仲有加一蠔仔粥都有幾多蠔仔,蠔味幾夠都算大粒,加埋肉碎同配埋莞茜,成碗粥料都好十足,猪什湯有猪紅,猪肚,猪大腸同猪粉腸,猪味都好夠,加上幾款猪什都幾新鮮,而且個猪什湯飲落口渴,加埋辣椒醬食仲惹味,呢間小店所有食物用心製作,值得再黎! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)