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食評 (12)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥這個連鎖餐飲集團,旗下有不少品牌,這個是他們的新系列之一,之前集團的西餐廳,當時主打中高檔次為主,這個真主打低價市場,屬於快餐的價錢,快餐店的服務水平,但食物品質比旗下的快餐店高。 This chain of restaurants encompasses numerous brands, and this is one of their new series. While the group's previous Western restaurants catered primarily to the mid to high-end market, this new series focuses on the budget segment, offering fast-food pricing with service akin to fast-food outlets but with a higher food quality than the group's fast-food establishments.日式咖喱吉列炸蠔鮮菇飯 ($68 連指定飲品 with set drinks)Japanese Curry with Fried Oysters and Mushrooms Rice這個咖哩飯賣相十分吸引,一上枱便可以聞到香濃的咖喱味,與日式咖喱相同,不會太辣略大少許甜味。至於炸蠔份量十足,而且十分新鮮,不過略嫌炸粉有點偏厚The aroma of the rich curry is enticing as soon as it arrives at the table, similar to Japanese curry with a hint of sweetness to balance the slight spiciness. The ample portion of breaded oysters, while fresh, could be improved with a thinner coating.蒜辣海鮮意粉 ($73 連指定飲品 with set drinks)Spicy Garlic Seafood Pasta意粉的辣味十分惹味,令人有開胃的感覺,雖然價錢不高,但用的材料亦十分新鮮,而且種類有蝦、魷魚,以及魚柳,增添了整道意粉的鮮味The spicy kick in the pasta is appetizing, made with fresh ingredients including prawns, squid, and fish fillet, enhancing the freshness of the dish despite its affordable price.明太子蟹柳意粉 ($73 連指定飲品 with set drinks)Fish Roe &  Crab Sticks Pasta意粉同樣煮得非常爽口彈牙,很多的明太子醬汁,令意粉不會太乾,不過明太子蟹柳份量不多,所以味道較為清淡The pasta is cooked al dente and coated generously with flavorful mentaiko sauce, ensuring it stays moist. However, the portion of mentaiko crab meat is modest, resulting in a milder taste overall.焗煙肉薯條,配牛油果醬及酸忌廉 ($38)Bacon Fries with Avocado Dip and Sour Cream薯條炸得十分香脆,但不會太過油膩,脆卜卜的煙肉,增加了整個菜式味道的層次。至於牛油果醬及酸忌廉,可以解去這道菜式的油膩感覺The fries are crispy without being greasy, complemented by crunchy bacon bits that add depth of flavor to the dish. The avocado dip and sour cream help balance the richness of the dish, reducing any greasy texture.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅食物非常新鮮,而且有別於一般的快餐店,具有較高的質素The food is remarkably fresh and of higher quality compared to typical fast-food outlets, offering good value for money with complimentary beverages on select dishes.❌選擇種類不及其他西餐廳多元化,中午及夜晚的餐牌是相同的Although the menu selection is not as diverse as other Western restaurants, the lunch and dinner menus remain the same.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅裝修非常時尚簡潔,座位亦十分舒適The decor is stylish and minimalist, offering comfortable seating arrangements.❌無Nil💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅雖然是快餐但亦有侍應生將食物送到食客的枱上,侍應上菜的速度十分迅速Despite being a fast-food establishment, servers promptly deliver food to the tables, ensuring quick service.❌由於不少客人不知道要在收銀處點菜,侍應生提點時有點不禮貌However, some customers find it inconvenient that they have to order at the cashier, as servers could be more polite in guiding them💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅這個快餐的價錢,部分食物還附送飲品,所以算是十分超值Overall, this fast-food eatery offers excellent value for money, with certain dishes accompanied by complimentary drinks.❌無Nil 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-06
612 瀏覽
今次食左🔸蕃茄汁慢煮鴨肉意粉 $69估唔到蕃茄味濃郁,材料不是鴨胸而是鴨肉,味道豐富,唔會乾。🔸碎蛋沙律焗薯 $48碎蛋沙律較普通,不過薯仔熱辣辣出爐烤焗過,口感ok薯仔紮實,另外食到加咗少少調味料吊味👍🏽夠細心🔸 烤辣肉腸與兵家腸 $42辣肉腸(紅色)偏小辣,配合埋特製醬料,sweet mustard, 味道岀色。👍🏽👍🏽好似1月15號前有買滿$100減$15現金券攞,好似幾優惠😃🤭🤭 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-12-02
672 瀏覽
住在附近,餐廳開業半年終於一試餐廳以年輕cafe 格調,多數自助式,可網上點餐我去的是午餐時段,都多人,但回轉快,好就找到坐位。 今次揀的都不是Set lunch ,散點了一個意粉,一個小食蒜辣海鮮意粉$76外表賣相還可以,面有塊蒜蓉包,幾香口但個意粉就完全接受唔到,單點$76 ,食落第一口意粉完全吸收曬海鮮腥味,一陣陣腥味,唔新鮮感覺質感同味到都不值這個價錢失敗失望,從未食過咁難食既,仲要最貴既意粉小食係煙肉芝士薯條這個煙肉超梗又咸,芝士焗完都好唔溶痴住薯條,整到薯條淋一半,個牛油個醬同白醬好分離成餐飯好sad 真係無好野,難忘 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-11-08
706 瀏覽
高質!我地幾個朋友一齊點餐,真係無乜邊個唔好食。叫左個招牌的雙層漢堡,一定一定要加辣薯條。佢地個辣薯條係我食過比較好食既薯條黎,唔叫一定後悔。佢仲有焗薯可以叫,算係附近黎講比較難搵。我覺得都好食既,不過焗薯賣相就一般,影唔到靚相。相對之下漢堡就好影d。我鐘意佢漢堡個包裝,食起黎無咁狼狽飲品推介coffee tonic。佢有兩種口味提供,我覺得都好好味。 由於係新開無耐,裝修都仲係好新。好啱朋友過黎食番餐。最難得係環境好大,有落地玻璃,採光好。影相都好睇。黃大仙係人多左啲,間鋪係屋邨商場入面,不過環境算係幽靜。💰人頭費:120 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-10-22
646 瀏覽
門口入商場已經見到餐牌十分吸引,忍不住馬上入店用餐,店員服務非常熱誠,進店後安排點餐付款後,由於當時客戶不多,安排給我們一個寬闊舒適的位置坐下;餐廳光線充足,坐下來感覺很舒服。食物份量充足,賣相十分吸引,這套餐的價錢十分抵食,簡直是中環尖沙咀餐廳的半價!點了兩個套餐:牛油果燒雞漢堡,麵包10分鬆軟,燒雞肉汁風口不會太乾;煙肉酸忌廉焗薯,味道香濃,配上兩種不同芝士,口感十足! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)