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食評 (5)
等級4 2024-04-24
520 瀏覽
🥰 話說早前再訪 Senti, 発現同系新餐廳 Donovan, 主廚 Donovan 乃馬會餐廳 Derby Room 嘅前任主廚, 離港幾年後強勢回歸. 據了解, Senti 主廚嘅師傅就係 Donovan.🏘️ 餐廳長方型樓面, 設三張半圓型梳化雅座, 及數張方枱, 用餐區望到酒吧, 再透過玻璃望到廚房. 🥢 今日相約老友 “甘仔” 探店, 午餐三道菜, 包頭盤, 主菜, 甜品, $380+10%, 配酒兩杯 $280+10%, 另收茶位 $48+10%.頭盤: King Crab / Steak Tartare主菜: Spiced Roast Challandais Duck甜品: Valrhona Chocolate Coulant / Japanese Cheesecake🥐 麵包. 賣相十分霸氣, 表層焦糖味, 可惜唔夠脆, 內層少似丹麥吐司, 又唔夠鬆軟, 過關吧!🦀 頭盤: King Crab, sea urchin ice cream, yuzu, caviar. 另加 $120. 魚子醬味道帶領, 海膽雪糕相對含蓄, 配帝王蟹肉, 紮實嘅一體感.🐂 頭盤: Steak Tartare, black garlic, horseradish, egg yolk, popped tendon. 牛肉咬落似池魚, 調味出色, 配料加重嚼口, 幾特別喎.🤗 主菜: Spiced Roast Challandais Duck, camarelized endive, coffee sauce. 法國菜食鴨最穩陣, 鴨皮煎香, 肉質粉嫩入味, 配鴨肉餡雲吞仔, 出色. “甘仔” 加咗鵝肝, 盛惠 $100.🍩 甜品. Valrhona Chocolate Coulant, earl grey ice cream, crumble. 熱溶朱古力, 配凍凍雪糕, 冰火交融, 交足功課.🍰 Japanese Cheesecake, hyuganatsu, chamomile ice cream. 蛋糕軟綿, 略歉雪糕唔夠實淨, 哈.🍪 Cookies. 完美結束.🤗 總結: 餐廳走中高檔路線, 午餐性價比有優勢. 餐牌簡單, 唔會加嚟加去, 我鍾意. 座位舒適, 服務到位. 論食物, 頭盤主菜發揮理想, 用餐體驗愉快, 期待下次再訪. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-04-13
404 瀏覽
無意中搵到呢間位於銅鑼灣CUBUS嘅fine dining餐廳,一入到餐廳感覺好舒服,環境非常乾淨寬敞,裝修亦都好摩登 (就算連洗手間都一樣 裝修得好靚!) Menu 上面有主廚的簡短介紹,原來佢喺好多間米芝蓮餐廳做過大廚,最近用自己個名開咗呢間餐廳。廚師話佢哋每個月嘅Menu都會轉,會每個月選取返當造嘅食材去design menu,所以去同一間餐廳幾次都會有新鮮感😇喺香港好多西餐廳嘅前菜都會做得好出色,但係去到主菜就慢慢比下去。 相反,我哋今日喺Donovan食嘅每一道菜都好出色,真係每一樣食物都好滿意,好有驚喜。 食物亦都包含咗多國嘅元素,會用到法國/香港/日本嘅食材,包括啲係喺其他餐廳好少食到嘅食材。食物presentation亦都好靚,好有創意。晚飯有8道菜 (1580hkd) 或者6道菜(1280hkd),個人認為8道菜抵啲😝😝 仲會額外俾appetisers,麵包同埋petite four,食飽飽先走😆 個人認為依個質素比得上charge 兩千幾蚊嘅餐廳..所以真係性價比高!!!! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-04-09
255 瀏覽
啱啱星期六去咗呢間優雅西餐廳食4道菜午市套餐 主廚曾經喺馬會餐廳Derby任職廚師長👨🏻‍🍳 小編覺得整體嚟講性價比極高 非常值得推薦👍🏽  最欣賞嘅係第一道菜皇帝蟹肉配魚子醬同海膽雪糕✨ 雪糕入口海膽味超濃 撈埋皇帝蟹肉鮮味十足😚  而主菜選擇之一Olive Oil Confit Salmon肉質非常嫩滑😍 原來喺用橄欖油以攝氏50度低溫將King Salmon慢煮 不過調味略嫌鹹咗少少😛  另一樣令人驚艷嘅係甜品朱古力心太軟 🤎Valrhona Chocolate Coulant🤎 朱古力醬醇厚 入口香味濃郁帶微甘 超好食‼️ 💰: HK$480 p.p.  (另加HK$280可享香檳無限暢飲/加HK$560可選Premium香檳無限暢)  🔖: DONOVAN X LALLIER Long Lunch  1️⃣ 🌟King Crab/ sea urchin ice cream/ yuzu/ caviar🌟 OR Steale Tartare/ black garlic/ horseradish/ egg yolk/ popped tendon 2️⃣ White Asparagus/ colood orange "maltaise" OR🌟Foie Gras Custard/ cépe velouté/ iberico ham/ truffle🌟 3️⃣  Spiced Roast Challandais Duck/ caramelized endive/ coffee sauce OR Olive Oil Confit Salmon/ horseradish/ salmon roe/ dill 4️⃣🌟Valrhona Chocolate Coulant/ earl grey ice cream/ crumble🌟 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-01-16
1260 瀏覽
有點日式的Fusion 菜好有驚喜的一餐松露蒸蛋 味道好複雜 松露 洋蔥 雜菇 鵝肝 令蒸蛋變得非常鮮味蝦蝦Risoni 都好鮮味配Risoni 比配Risotto 口感更貼近蝦肉三文魚個curry sauce 好特別慢煮三文魚 肉質好滑鴨配橙味sauce 好清新甜品同樣精彩 開心果蛋糕好好食味朱古力心太軟用VALRHONA 朱古力做嘅朱古力心太軟真係好好食👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻蛋糕老師都係教用VALRHONA焗蛋糕😄Port wine 配朱古力真係好夾 😌😌順帶一提,餐包都好特別方包個面用麵豉醬焗到脆身然後配上紫菜牛油成個感覺勁日式個包又好腍好鬆軟 👍🏻👍🏻成餐飯Wine pairing 得好好 同啲食物好夾 互相提升味道 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-10-18
2249 瀏覽
Chef Donovan has amassed quite a following since his JC Derby Room days. Really looking forward to dinner after a day of hiking and fasting.Approximately 8 tables with 2 Private rooms, comfortably seating groups of 2 and 6 respectively.As we walked in, could see Chef working in the kitchen through the glass window.Only one Menu with 10 courses, priced at $1280 pp.Here’s what we had. Soy brioche with caramelized exterior, served with Seaweed butter. Loved it. Chef explained he originally planned to do a sour dough, but decided on the more interesting option of the brioche. Good call.Trio of appetizers, comprising:--Squid ink macaron filled with smoked trout and salmon roe -Quail and Truffle Tart, topped with almond foam-Parmesan cheeseball with bell pepper essence and anchovyKingfish sashimi from Western Australia with heirloom tomato and olives, feta sorbet. K didn’t like feta so she didn’t get any, and wasn’t offered any replacement. Olive oil confit salmon from New Zealand, slow cooked at 63 degrees on a bed of mussels. Served with s saffron and tarragon sauce. One of chef’s signatures. Loved the thick texture; felt like trout. Blue Lobster with truffle, mushroom, and asparagus on the side. Sauce was lobster bisque made with yellow wine.Steamed Pigeon and Foie Gras wrapped in cabbage on truffle sauce. Served with Mashed potato. Table favorite: pigeon was very tender. Pepper crusted Australian 9+ wagyu sirloin served with Artichoke, onion fried with bacon and watercress. Sauce was Bordelaise (ie a classic French sauce named after the Bordeaux region of France, made with dry red wine, bone marrow, shallots etc).Crumble with Rhubarb sherbet and strawberry jelly.Valrhona chocolate lava cake; on the side: mandarin orange sorbet and basilTo finish off: fig pistachio tartlet, Coconut and mango puff and Espresso caramel puff.In summary: Fabulous nite. Interesting menu and excellent service. Everything was cooked to precision. 繼續閱讀
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