來自日本六本木的扒房,主打頂級牛扒料理,提供各種產地的牛扒,及不同的牛肉部位。且亦提供海鮮菜餚。 繼續閱讀
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食評 (221)
等級1 2024-02-06
107 瀏覽
牛扒都尚算好食 林身有油香 薯條香脆 但係份量有點小 如果可以多放一些價錢並不昂貴的配菜 例如薯仔蔬菜 西蘭花蘆筍咁 整體感受會好少少 因為已經點了兩個餐 有湯有主食有甜品 但是回到家後都很肚餓 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-10-16
93 瀏覽
本身諗住食麥奀平平哋,點知喺山頂都要成百$5一碗!行行吓見到呢個西餐廳有半自助餐168起諗住好抵入去,不過原來嗰個沙律包係得啲蔬果生菜車厘茄,完全冇其他蔬果以外嘅嘢🙈食物質素普普通通,沙律嘅蔬果好新鮮,不過間唔時會有幾粒唔新鮮嘅車厘茄厘!沙律菜就好,清爽多汁朋友加$38要咗黑松露惹菌湯,我試咗一啖覺得普普通通,輕微黑松露味我哋五個有四個都嗌豬柳,好似快快嘅質素會唔同,有個朋友嘅嗰塊好亂好厚,我自己嗰塊就正正常常,有另一個朋友嗰塊就好似比較薄🙈正常西餐不過不失,豬柳唔係特別香服務質素態度OK但係成日漏服務,譬如講咗幾次要紙巾都唔記得或者冇人拎嚟,最後要自己出去拎😅😅因為搵到紙巾喺邊?自己拎算哈哈。😝 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-09-29
746 瀏覽
Revisiting @37steakhousehk again on my dad’s birthday and tried out two different set dinners this time. Their 3-course summer dinner menu ranges from $358 to $588 per person and comes with an appetizer, main and desert. Quality is fair at this price point and surprisingly they now serve welcome drink on the balcony that could overlook the beautiful night view from the peak. How nice!🥂Charcoal Grilled King Prawn, U.S. Prime Tenderloin 100g $588Grilled to medium, the tenderloin was lean but succulent. The king prawn could be more flavourful but was still bouncy in texture. My favourite was the grilled pineapple, it was very sweet and juicy. 🥂Hokkaido Scallop Truffle Porcini Risotto $438It was very creamy and flavourful with sashimi texture from scallops. Also the porcini mushrooms stood out nicely here.🥂Sautéed Australian Blue Mussels in White Wine Cream Sauce +$38It’s very fresh and cooked to the right texture. The sauce was lovely that we ended up drinking it.🥂Crab Meat Lobster BisqueA bit disappointed on this one as the lobster flavour was too mild and crab meat inside was sadly too tiny.🥂Mango Pudding with Gelato 🥂American Cheesecake with GelatoLoved both as they aren’t too sweet or heavy. If they have other gelato flavours would be even better..Bread basket was again one of our favourites here. Of course you may ask for a free refill..Another set we tried here was their 6-course tasting menu. As a gold member of @foodstorygroup , I received a buy-one-get-one free coupon so this set ended up cost only $1188 for two people.🥂US Prime Short Rib 130gIt was really tender and succulent and I really liked the wild mushroom sauce that elevated its flavour beautifully. Though the truffle shaving was really little, we still enjoyed this a lot.🥂Pan-fried Halibut with Capsicum SauceAnother main we had was this halibut fish. The flesh was smooth and paired well with the sauce.🥂Boston Lobster LinguineCooked to al dente and was truly rich in lobster flavour. The lobster itself was also bouncy and fresh. 🥂Steak Tartare with Quail Egg and Seaweed TempuraPortion is less than a la carte as it’s from set menu but flavour remained the same, with a hint of umami flavour.🥂Parma Ham, Beetroot, Avocado SaladJust a simple starter to begin the meal..🥂Classic Onion SoupBetter than the lobster soup, it’s creamy and rich in flavour with bacon that added some crunch to it.🥂Passion Fruit and Cassis Mousse CakeOf course a birthday dessert can’t be missed on my dad’s birthday..Actually when we had a la carte menu here last time, the taste was even better, but considering that they’ve lowered the price for set menus, quality is not too bad. With the stunning night view as a bonus, will still come here on other celebrations..Overall rating: 7.5/10jsv_foodie 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-09-15
131 瀏覽
經常惠顧前身café déco,但這裡就是第一次。今晚每道菜, 以至麵包,都色香味俱全。頭盤澳洲藍青口,恰到好處,新鮮嫩滑。龍蝦湯攪拌適中有微細嘅質感。主菜三黃雞皮脆肉鮮嫩。但加拿大豬安扒就沒驚喜,應該醃製未夠火喉,但仍不過不失。 免費泊車3小時,兩位盛惠1100元!加上獨一無二,醉人嘅香港夜景,整體屬高水平,高性價比。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
呢間Steak House來自東京係山頂廣場 都幾大間靠右邊可以睇到成個維港景Book左位都要早d到先有機會坐到個邊坐底有welcome drink 有d香檳白酒咁都比你出去露台個到打下卡咁有3 course dinner menu有前菜+主菜+甜品前菜叫左煙三文魚凱撒沙律啲食材真係幾新鮮 生菜都好翠綠亦都加咗$38叫咗澳洲藍青口青口size有大有細 個汁唔錯沾麵包都幾正 滿意😌主菜叫左北海道帶子松露牛肝菌意大利飯 ($438)有兩粒帶子 煎得幾香 不過冇乜味最敗筆係松露牛肝菌竟然係完全冇味😵‍💫係一啲松露同牛肝菌嘅味都冇!冇味道我要問侍應攞鹽🫠其實當時應該即時同佢講冇味 改善下炭燒烏拉圭頂級西冷 ($538)有250g 驚好血淋淋,所以叫咗七成熟個賣相幾靚 不過就好韌個侍應都有同我哋講話如果覺得太硬可以叫佢哋整過塊呢下都幾加分 不過我哋就冇換到啦下面墊住一條菠蘿 個汁就類似燒汁咁整體一般般👌🏼最後甜品有芝士蛋糕配雪糕同埋芒果布甸配雪糕因為今次去慶祝生日 訂位嘅時候都講咗所以餐廳都好好上甜品嘅時候有寫埋生日快樂仲有蠟燭 成個感覺都幾唔錯😎至於甜品嘅味道就正常啦~餐廳自己有推廣 晚餐第二位半價 折左都可接受啦~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)