港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 B2 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (81)
等級4 2024-05-16
19 瀏覽
🔸Napoleon TartSecond time of trying their signatory tart and I strongly recommend you to try it while it is still hot 🔥 The star-shaped tart is not only photo friendly but also confectionery🌟. The custard is creamy and the crunchy pastry layered with caramel further elevates the texture of the dessert. 😋🔸Chocolate Flat CroissantOne of the secret behind the hype is that the bakery continued to unleash new products and catching up the trend🏃🏻‍♀️💨. The croissant is crumbly, coated with rich chocolate and sprinkled with hazelnut. An irresistible way to start your day.🍫💓🔸 Early Grey Pineapple Bun with ButterButter overloaded 🧈Unique flavoured pineapple butter is another signatory bun 🍍The earl grey is very savoury and with the butter slice, its richness resembles milk tea ☕🔸Taro Mochi BunThe pretty bun in sakura shape 🌸 Taiwan taro is used and the mochi is chewy. Definitely something you cannot miss❣️🍭Hashtag B🍭Shop F, G/F, Po Wing Building, 73 Lee Garden Road Causeway Bay 繼續閱讀
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. 📍#Hashtag B @hashtagbhk🔥拿破崙焦糖千層撻久仰大名嘅拿破崙焦糖千層撻, 比平時既蛋撻大隻小小, 望落勁多層酥皮, 一食非常脆口, 層次分明,有蛋香味而且啲蛋幾嫩滑, 重點一啲都唔乾, 因為撻底係有焦糖漿, 帶點小小甘甜味, 經典焦糖嘅味道, 令到口感比較濕潤, 外脆內軟, 好好食, 係我係香港食過最好食既!⭐️大家一定要時間, 愈早愈好, 好快賣哂架啦!**出爐時間**📍CWB銅鑼灣店: 9:30am 📍TST尖沙咀店: 10:30am🔥炭燒咖啡菠蘿包相對新出既款式, 仲有伯爵茶味, 今次試左咖啡菠蘿包, 佢唔同港式菠蘿包用厚厚既豬油做成既脆面, 呢個係比較薄身, 似雪山叉燒包果種, 成個包整得好軟熟, 咖啡味濃, 咖啡愛好者真係要試下!🔥明太子熱狗帶點咸味既明太子令熱狗味道豐富D, 包唔會太硬, 偏向日式, 呢個都唔錯架!🔥芋泥麻糬麵包好多芋泥, 而已係新鮮芋頭製造, 唔會太甜, 食完好有飽肚感, 夾麻糬係絕配, 麻糬好Q彈!——————————————- 📍 Hashtag B🏠 尖沙咀加拿芬道49號夏蕙樓地下C號舖 繼續閱讀
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番香港前一早 bookmark 定呢間打卡千層撻,每次經過都被長長嘅人龍嚇親,今次終於的起心肝去排隊。預計12點出爐,11:30到達已經賣緊蛋撻,唔洗10分鐘已經到手👍🏼 響門口打完卡🤳 即刻搵個地方坐低開餐,一打開個盒牛油勁香,近撻面嗰層酥皮勁脆,咬落去索索聲,但個底就好油好濕,焦糖味同蛋味都比太古 Baker by Lubuds 嗰間濃,撻面更焦香👍 過多陣整多個凍食,原來仲 ok 播,個撻底冇咁濕,乾啲硬啲加埋焦糖,真係幾正😋 不過 HKD$18一個價錢唔平,但呢啲酥皮嘢,間唔中食吓都 ok 啦!There’s always a line but when I dropped by @hashtagbhk at 11:30 on a weekday, the line moved fast and it only took me 10 mins to get the egg tarts. The outer puff pastry is perfectly crispy and buttery but not too flaky. The egg custard is smooth and not too sweet. It has a layer of caramel on the bottom and it goes really well with both the pastry and the egg custard. Definitely worth trying.  繼續閱讀
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【尖沙咀人氣烘焙|必試拿破崙焦糖千層撻🥧】想嚟朝聖好耐,牆上印有無限個Hashtag#️⃣好易認!最吸引小編眼球嘅就係 #包好食 ,唔知係講緊「啲包」好食定係「包保」所有嘢都好食呢?😏.🐨拿破崙焦糖千層撻 $18推薦度:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️咬落去撻皮非常之鬆化,蛋漿亦好嫩滑,焦糖集中喺蛋漿嘅底部,整體食落少少甜,唔會好膩,認真大推!.🐨焦糖牛油軟包 $16推薦度:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐麵包鬆軟好有驚喜,牛油味香,表面薄薄焦糖,有啲似中式沙翁進化版😍早餐一流!——☼——☼——☼——☼——☼——Hashtag B🐨推薦度:😋😋😋😋😋/5 💰人均價格:$50或以下🪸環境:👾👾👾👾🗣️服務:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻📸食物打卡度:💡💡💡💡💡🛠️分類:#HTB尖沙咀 #HTB外賣店. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-05-09
0 瀏覽
平時在尖沙咀厚福街路口,總會見到一條人龍,為咗買那個好好味的蛋撻,今日難得黃昏時間唔使排長龍,但是蛋撻已經賣晒,唯有買幾個麵包今日買了那個伯爵茶味的菠蘿包,整體麵包質素都唔錯👍🏻 繼續閱讀
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