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食評 (12)
等級1 2022-07-06
641 瀏覽
公司附近嘅~第一次試~真係好好味~買佐紫菜包飯,炒年糕套餐,係好有韓國味道,唔係街邊果種~可惜7月7日就要結業啦,想去幫襯嘅👬真係要快啦!祝東主繼續係其他地方將韓食發揚光大 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2022-07-02
373 瀏覽
話說身邊嘅人食過一次之後都覺得好好食,所以今次再食過。我對佢嘅生醃非常感興趣所以就叫咗生醃章魚套餐。今次生醃章魚同之前嘅味道唔同咗,多咗少少蒜頭味,所以除咗章魚本身嘅味道之外,多咗少少蒜頭嘅辣味,咁樣非常之好食,加上啲飯上面有少少沙律醬所以味道唔會太單調。另外飯上邊有一隻煎蛋,所有嘢撈埋一齊食非常夾,而唔會有衝突。另外我都好鍾意佢嘅美式咖啡,所以每一次都要叫黎飲。而套餐嘅小食加咗蜂蜜芥末醬之後令個味道更加豐富。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2022-05-29
361 瀏覽
🥢中環 $48 起韓式紫菜包飯魚糕炒年糕小食套餐🥢中環返工成日都覺得食咩都貴,最近在「三多麵食」旁邊開了一間專食韓式飯卷的小店,最平$48 就有交易,仲可以跟餐有小食及飲品,一於去睇下質素如何🥢韓式牛肉紫菜包飯 $52紫菜包飯上面充滿麻油及芝麻,非常香口,飯卷口感幾軟熟,食曬成條充滿澱粉質都幾飽🥢Set A 魚糕串,麥茶 +$10鰹魚湯魚糕串用了大竹簽串住,下雨天飲返碗熱湯感覺暖和,飲品可揀美式咖啡,麥茶,或人參茶,用了韓國茶包沖泡,充滿麥香🥢韓式炒年糕 $16得六粒二魚餅的小食,年糕煙韌辣度幾夠香辣,份量比想像中少,不過呢到係中環亦都好合理📍 韓食研究所 (中環)中環砵典乍街28-30號金明行地舖 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2022-01-26
512 瀏覽
呢間韓國餐廳新開咗無耐, 即管入去試食叫咗皇者豬手飯, 佢唔係D港式豬手味. 有D似我嗰韓國食到嗰隻味肉質唔錯, 有油香,調味幾正, 睇餐牌講原來係韓國豬直送佢個飯加咗紫菜同其他配料好惹味開胃加16蚊仲有餃子年糕同飲品, 都幾抵食下次試佢地個紫菜包飯, 堂食時見超多人買走支持良心小店 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-01-21
1371 瀏覽
For a while, my favorite place for take away kimbap was from one of the stalls at Causeway  Bay's Sogo. Price was inexpensive and they made the rolls upon ordering. It tasted good and my favorite was the original version as not that many places added fish cake. But then one day it closed! Though it was replaced with another place that I did like, I still missed this place for it was less expensive and it was made to order. The other place wasn't and all factory produced.Then one day I came across Kimbap Lab in Central. I took a look .. and the faces seemed familiar. They were the people from Sogo! They apparently had moved to Central with dine in. I had to give it a try!Dine in is spacious enough. A few tables and some facing the wall. Order and pay at the cashier where they'll give you a pager that will ring when ready. Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge. They also seem to have expanded with choices of sets. We decided to get two kimbap sets. Set A includes a kimbap (chose original version, $48), hot drink (I had ginseng tea) and a fishcake with kelp soup for an added $10. Boyfriend had Set C which includes a kimbap (he chose beef, $52), a hot drink (but he upgraded to a soft drnk for $2) and crispy seaweed noodle and sweet potato for an added $15.The kimbap was fantastic. Though boyfriend said it's no longer made to order. I guess with the working Central crowd, it's more efficient to make them all ahead of time. But still very good. The beef was fine but my favorite is still the original. The rice was soft and not hard. The fillings were fresh and savory. The fishcake soup was ok and so was the drinks but the star is still the kimbaps this place makes.Boyfriend had these fried items. These were made to order so very VERY hot. And crispy. You get a choice of sauce so he had honey mustard drizzled on top. It was not too oily but I think I'd be back for the soup set.Prices not expensive especially for Central. And I'm glad I found they didn't close after all. Just moved to a bigger location. 繼續閱讀
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