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西班牙酒莊主題餐廳,由來自西班牙的主廚坐鎮,以新鮮魚類和海鮮炮製風味十足的菜餚,而且設有不同分量以供選擇,配上當地葡萄酒風味更突出。 繼續閱讀
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食評 (140)
等級4 2024-03-01
862 瀏覽
Paella de Marisco del dia🌟 Seafood Paella with Fresh Seafood of the day🌟賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧西班牙海鮮飯即點即製,上枱連平底鍋熱騰騰送上,飯上佈滿極新鮮的海蝦、蜆肉和魷魚,海鮮的濃郁香氣非常誘人。海鮮飯米粒分明,每一粒都裹著濃稠的海鮮汁,食落鹹香帶鮮,煙韌有嚼感。海鮮配料用料上乘,食落爽滑彈牙,鮮香味濃,令人回味無窮。Flan de la Abuela con helado de Nata🌟 Grandma’s Vanilla seed Flan with Double Cream Ice Cream 🌟賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧焦糖布甸質感柔軟滑溜,食落蛋味滿滿,焦糖甜而不漏,配搭冰涼香滑的雪糕一起食,滋味滿分。White Sparkling Wine Sangria 賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧西班牙水果酒採用白酒作為基底,再加入青蘋果粒、梳打、糖漿等調味,酒味不會過重,容易入口,飲落果味濃郁,酸香又清爽,不會飲酒的朋友也可以一試🥴👍 環境:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧餐廳裝橫充滿異國風情,經典的紅磚牆、幾何圖案彩磚、別樹一格的掛畫、玩味甚濃的霓虹燈標句,各式獨特的元素令人有置身於外國的感覺,打卡一流。🐧❣️餐廳設有可外借獨立洗手間❣️🐧❤️結語:西班牙海鮮飯口味地道用料高質,必食誠意推薦👍 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-02-23
694 瀏覽
最近同朋友去左上環食西班牙菜,呢間餐廳好受歡迎,雖然地點唔算好方便,但平日夜晚都坐滿晒人,好多香港人同外國人幫襯。Joselito Spanish Iberico ham肉質好鮮嫩,感受到濃郁嘅火腿香氣!令人回味無窮。如果你鍾意西班牙火腿,呢度絕對係你嘅首選!👍🏻Potato omelette with onion洋蔥薯餅,呢款薯餅香氣四溢,配上洋蔥嘅甜味,真係一絕!不過要留意,佢係好飽肚嘅一款,所以同朋友share就最岩😋BIKINI Iberico ham with melted cheese sandwich with black truffle 呢款真係三文治界嘅極品!脆口嘅麵包夾住咗香濃嘅黑松露煙肉同芝士,一口咬落去,嗰啲咸香嘅味道真係令人停唔到口😍Meat balls with cuttlefish stew肉丸中混入墨魚粒,啖啖都係墨魚嘅鮮味,而肉丸軟綿入味Seafood paella黎西班牙餐廳點可以唔試海鮮飯,蝦同青口新鮮彈牙,同埋啲米飯吸收咗海鮮嘅湯汁,一齊食真係好美味!🥘 繼續閱讀
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餐廳:El vaso de oro hk地點:上環西街菜式:西班牙菜餐牌:Small bites & cold cuts, Good starters, Hot tapas classics, More classics, Our specialties, rice & suckling pig, SweetsClassic Wagyu Beef tartare with Toast $168 另加一和牛他他撈埋洋蔥粒等配料以圓柱體放好,伴有一片加上香草既牛油,佐以十幾片香脆吐司。服務員提議牛油可以撈埋和牛他他食,好邪惡。和牛他他味道酸咪咪,配薄脆吐司好香口。Bikini Iberico Ham and Melted Cheese Sandwich with Black Truffle $98 另加一三文治一客四件size適中,香脆吐司入面包住滿滿火腿,加上熱熔芝士同適量黑松露醬,呢個三文治好正,好味道呀!Croquette of the day $20 另加一Croquette of the day 非常脆皮,炸得外脆內滑。伴有加有橄欖油既車厘茄同沙律菜。Meat balls with Cuttlefish Stew $138 另加一肉丸一客四大粒,口感唔錯,唔會死實或者太乾,個汁味道香濃,而且有好多紅蘿蔔同洋蔥粒粒,配肉丸令肉丸味道更好。Fresh Squid with garlic & parsley $188 另加一新鮮魷魚片有好幾大片,仲有魷魚鬚。食落肉質又淋又滑又有咬口,係好正既質感,加上香草醬,味道少少鹹,伴有沙律菜同檸檬,沙律菜加個汁好好味。Seafood Paella with Fresh Seafood of the day $288 另加一西班牙海鮮炒飯係必試。熱辣辣用金屬鑊上枱,海鮮有兩隻連殼大蝦,四隻連殼青口,魷魚同貝柱。蝦肉好新鮮爽口,蝦頭有汁。青口質感勁鮮嫩。兩款海鮮都加有青醬調味。伴有三片檸檬比你自己加。飯粒唔會太乾,夠濕潤而味道調得好,唔會太重手,份量夠嗮兩個人食。總括而言,今餐食物質素好好,味道都唔錯,而環境氣氛好有歐洲感覺。餐館裝修別緻,牆身用左好多特色mosaic裝飾,好有氣氛。服務員收碟勤快,上菜好有效率。可以一試。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-02-10
386 瀏覽
🇪🇸 Recently, we came to this Spanish restaurant in Sheung Wan. As self-proclaimed enthusiasts of Spanish cuisine, we've been on a quest to find an authentic taste that rivals the flavors we experienced during our time in Barcelona. El Vaso de Oro HK not only met our expectations but exceeded them with their exceptional dishes that captured the true essence of Spanish flavors.🥘 Here's a delightful selection of dishes we had:1️⃣ Homemade Chicken & Duck Liver Pate (125g) - $148:Savor the velvety smooth texture and rich, savory taste of this homemade pate. The portions are generous, allowing you to fully enjoy the flavors of this classic Spanish delicacy.2️⃣ Garlic Prawns - $118:The intense garlic flavor makes this dish a must-try tapas. The prawns are perfectly cooked, tender, and succulent, offering an authentic taste of Spain.3️⃣ Pickled Mussels - $68:These pickled mussels served with crispy potato chips create a perfect combination of flavors. The tanginess of the pickled mussels complements the crunchiness of the chips.4️⃣ Seafood Paella with Fresh Seafood of the Day - $288:This paella is the best I've had in HK. It strikes the perfect balance of flavors without being overly salty, and the seafood is incredibly fresh.5️⃣ Croquette of the Day (x3) - $60:Indulge in the crispy and golden exterior of these croquettes, revealing a creamy and flavorful filling that will leave you enchanted.6️⃣ BIKINI. Iberico Ham and Melted Cheese Sandwich with Black Truffle - $98:The combination of the high-quality Iberico ham, melted cheese, and a touch of black truffle creates a symphony of flavors.7️⃣ Chocolate Cake with Passion Fruit Ice Cream - $78:The velvety chocolate paired with the tangy and refreshing passion fruit ice cream creates a harmonious balance of flavors.8️⃣ Grandma's Vanilla Seed Flan with Double Cream Ice Cream - $78:The creamy flan is elevated with the addition of double cream ice cream, creating a delightful indulgence.💰 Our total bill for 3 came to $1030, including the 10% service charge. 繼續閱讀
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Happy Friday night,揀左一間西班牙小餐館同閨密食個飯,呢間位於上環西街既西班牙餐廳地點都有點唔就腳,上呀上呀,終於到Pan Con TomateCristal Bread with Ripe Spanish tomato & Arbequina olive oil個麵包好鬆脆,上面係搽上熟成既西班牙蕃茄同橄欖油LA RUSA. Ensalada de patata y atun en escabechePotalo Salad with Tuna Belly薯仔沙律同吞拿魚腩結合,上面加上一層厚厚沙律醬,仲有幾塊脆包配埋一齊食Croqueta del DiaCroquette of the day炸薯仔波,入面係薯蓉,外脆內軟Tartar clasico de carne de Wagyu con TostadasClassic Wagyu Beef tartare with Toast他他牛嫩腍,入面有洋蔥、酸瓜等等既配料,側邊有片牛油,味道不錯,但整個他他牛較鬆散,可能無左隻蛋,黏性減少左Tortilla de PatatasPolato Omelel with Onion. Bodega Style薯仔蛋餅入面有薯仔片、洋蔥,係一道好經典既西班牙菜Gambas al AjilloGarlic Prawns蝦就唔算太特別,個主角係個蒜油汁,蘸麵包食一流Goose paella鵝脾煮到好腍,肉同骨好易分離,肉質嫩滑仲好juicy, 飯索晒d鵝油,再加左幾片橙片,整個飯既味道濃郁得黎唔會好膩,好好食Pastel de Chocolate al 70% cacao con helado de Fruta de la pasionChocolate cake with Passion Fruit Ice cream朱古力mousse cake幾軟滑,配以熱情果醬同中間個雪葩,有助減低個甜同膩既感覺整體食物同環境都不錯,唯獨是當我地問甜品有無churros 既時候,有位員工答咁cheap既野我地無🫠,其實食物無分貴賤既,只有好食同唔好食,對食物都要戴有色眼鏡我真係笑左🙃 繼續閱讀
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