食評 (53)
等級3 2024-02-25
206 瀏覽
相信安德魯餅店的葡塔是所有遊客到🇲🇴澳門必買手信。位於巷弄裡,一轉入巷子,肉眼可見的多人。有兩條隊伍,一條給錢拿籌;另一條拿完籌等蛋撻出爐時間。要留意的是,每天cutoff時間是以蛋撻出爐時間作準,而並非付款時間。店家準時關門,所以若真的慕名一試(雖然不值得),請早,不然就白白排隊了。假日期間前來,排了絕對超過一個小時。蛋撻新鮮出爐,熱辣辣的葡塔肯定好吃,但若加上time cost,絕對物低於所值。 繼續閱讀
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-去澳門🇲🇴點都要試下最有名的葡撻😋官也街的安德魯餅店 長期都係排長龍,好受遊客歡迎☺️-葡撻($11)個葡撻的色澤好靚😎一拎上手就聞到好香,咬落葡撻皮好酥脆,好有蛋香味🤤值得一試😘一定要趁熱食🔥-Name🏠:安德魯餅店 Location📌: 氹仔舊城區官也街9號栢鴻大廈E座地舖價錢💰: 葡撻($11) #澳門美食  #Macau #eggtart#甜品 #澳門 #macaufood #葡撻 #安德魯餅店  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-02-12
102 瀏覽
去澳門既話,安德魯餅店係小編最推薦既葡撻店!通常都會見到大排長龍🤣 但因為大家都係買完就即走,所以基本上都好快排到🥰 可以一等的!小編最中意呢度既葡撻皮好酥脆同偏甜😋 超級有蛋香!而且好creamy😋咁岩撞正佢出爐,熱辣辣食既話,更加正😍😍此分店價錢(每間分店價錢略有偏差)🥧 1個 mop11🥧 6個 mop65 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-01
194 瀏覽
黎到澳門必食之一,一定係葡撻啦~ 所以我地去左安德魯餅店買葡撻~葡撻既外皮好鬆脆,充滿牛油同蛋香味,食落餡軟淋淋,好creamy~加埋焦香味超正~而且最緊要係熱辣辣新鮮出爐,所以香味更加濃郁~如果唔係趕時間,真係要買返盒返香港食 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥去澳門,品嚐正宗的葡國風味,必定是指定動作,葡撻作為傳統的葡萄牙美食,到澳門自然不能錯過,這家位於澳門的葡撻店,遠近馳名,除了製造具澳門及葡國風味的葡撻外,現在還有售賣其他食品,難怪店外經常有長長的人龍在等候。雖然店舖歷史悠久,但仍然保留著非常高的水準,絕對值得推介。Going to Macau and tasting authentic Portuguese flavors is a must-do activity. Portuguese egg tarts, as a traditional Portuguese delicacy, should not be missed when visiting Macau. This Portuguese egg tart shop in Macau is well-known far and wide. In addition to producing Portuguese egg tarts with Macau and Portuguese flavors, they also sell other food items, which explains the long queues outside the shop. Although the shop has a long history, they still maintain a high standard and are definitely worth recommending.葡撻 Egg Tart ($11)於店內新鮮即做的葡撻,送到客人手上是熱辣辣的,所以他的皮非常酥脆,一咬下去就會感受到層層的酥皮非常鬆化,熱蛋撻內的蛋漿,蛋味十分濃郁,甜度恰到好處Their freshly-made Portuguese egg tarts served to customers are piping hot, resulting in a very crispy crust. With each bite, one can feel the layers of flaky crust melting in the mouth. The custard inside the hot egg tarts has a rich egg flavor, with just the right amount of sweetness.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅葡撻非常新鮮,保持著原有的水準,以及傳統的澳門葡撻風味The Portuguese egg tarts are very fresh, maintaining their original quality and traditional Macau Portuguese flavor.❌由於店舖以葡撻作主打,所以其他食物的種類比較少Since Portuguese egg tarts are their specialty, they offer a limited variety of other food items.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥✅由於是外賣店,店鋪不算太大,但尚算清潔整齊As it is primarily a take-out shop, the shop size is not very large, but it is kept clean and tidy.❌因店舖面積不大,而且人流較多,所以溫度比較熱Due to the small shop size and high customer flow, the temperature inside tends to be hot.💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅雖然門外排著長長的人龍,但店員的工作效率非常迅速,縮短了等候的時間Despite the long queues outside the shop, the staff work efficiently, minimizing the waiting time.❌無 Nil💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅以遊客區的店鋪來說,葡撻的定價不算太高,所以值得推介Considering it is a shop in a tourist area, the pricing of the Portuguese egg tarts is not too high, making it worth recommending.❌無 Nil 繼續閱讀
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