港鐵荔枝角站 B1 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
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10:30 - 22:00
10:30 - 22:00
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食評 (234)
March Sushiro sesh: here we go!That triple scallops and salmon roes on rice was my sister’s order, the scallops stacked up so high and they literally fell down like a fountain. Mrs golden-tongued liked the French fries and 鯖魚 sushi with mashed radish. We also got her the tempura crab leg sushi. I tried the wagyu and uni sushi: very rich beef taste and velvety uni. Surprisingly good. The raw marinated shrimp dices topped cooked shrimp sushi was delicious and got approval from Mrs golden-tongued as well. It’s my sister’s treat and we obviously went overboard, especially on the salmon sushis. Wahahahhaha. This pure white karaage was very juicy, but we couldn’t taste any yuzu flavour in the mashed radish on the side. The seared white fish sushi and the sukiyaki beef sushi were nice; and the seasonal lemon basil salmon sushi was one of the best, very refreshing and herby- went really well with the fatty salmon belly. The miso eggplant sushi and the gigantic squid tempura sushi were SO GOOD, they become some of my favourites now and I think these are on the standard menu, so you can grab them anytime you visit Sushiro. Desserts we had the $10 warabi mochi, really good for the price and highly recommended! The limited edition 雷神 chocolate trio cake was very chocolaty, sweet and textural. Of course we were obliged to finish off with our all-time favourite: crema catalana!! It’s our favourite original flavour and it’s divine, brûléed on the top and icecreamy at the bottom- you must get it while in Sushiro. There’s a lucky draw to win flight tickets/ cash coupons now until mid-April, upon a spending of over $200. Good lucky everyone! 繼續閱讀
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不知不覺 壽司郎 正式進駐香港已經五週年,相信之後陸續會有一連串的活動吧 !?就4月16日起便推出了三款「屬於香港・家的味道」為主題的壽司。是由 #壽司郎 與百年醬料品牌 Lee Kum Kee HK (李錦記香港) 聯乘。當日去吃只試了其中兩款,其中一款未有,看來之後要再去一次。🍣炙燒經典蠔油日本產帆立貝 (HKD 22)因為本身就很喜歡吃這間的帆立貝,所以會暗暗加分。而且其實加了蠔油來炙燒沒什麼違和感,明顯很有香港的味道。🍣真激辣.吞拿魚拌蝦米辣椒油海苔包 (HKD 17)吃得辣的朋友表示味道剛剛好。我自己就覺得雖然辣但不嗆。再加上吞拿魚油脂的甘香和鹹香的三文魚子,非常惹味。另外堂食單一消費淨額滿*港幣$200 或以上,就可獲得壽司郎 x 李錦記聯乘紅白藍小福袋乙個,內裡有一瓶李錦記大辣蝦米辣椒油和甜品優惠券的喔。4月16日起,每日限送100個,送完即止。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-04-09
0 瀏覽
性价比很高,难怪大家都来排队🤷‍♀️🐟三文鱼吃起来还蛮新鲜的,及软嫩绵滑为一体,口感很肥美,值得鹅肝就不太行嗫…我觉得口感并不丝滑,有点像卤的鹅肝的口感,🍚再配上米饭整体吃起来有些许的干巴肥牛乌冬面🥩肥牛的量很多,而且吃起来带着淡淡的奶香味,粗实筋道的乌冬面带着丝丝香甜🍜,汤底清亮带着鲜甜,还挺不错🕉️味道无功无过,但性价比确实高 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-03-14
74 瀏覽
🤩專為試壽司郎嘅甜品而來🤩🍫脆脆雷神朱古力蛋糕條 $22 🌟🌟🌟🌟面層係一塊70%左右濃度的巧克力中間夾著朱古力慕斯和牛奶朱古力慕斯底層就係普通朱古力蛋糕好濃嘅朱古力味但完全食唔到佢嘅曲奇脆脆☹️建議攞起包裝食 用羹好難𢳂🙂‍↕️🧀炙燒焦糖半溶芝士蛋糕 $22 🌟🌟🌟🌟享受雙重巴斯克芝士 啱晒芝士控不過食得多都幾膩下 建議分享食用🍓土多啤梨吉士忌廉卡達拉娜 $22 🌟🌟🌟土多啤梨味嘅卡達拉娜吉士味完全被士多啤梨味蓋過🍵黃豆粉抹茶蕨餅 $10‼️ 🌟🌟🌟10蚊有8粒 類似果凍Q彈口感嘅蕨餅完全食唔出抹茶味 只有黃豆粉味🙂‍↕️不過睇到個價 咁嘅質素都係正常😌 繼續閱讀
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喺這家壽司店感受到一陣陣海洋嘅呼吸,環境悠閒得黎又帶啲日式小情調。朋友推介,我就點咗個大吞拿魚腩海苔包,實告你,嗰肥美啲吞拿魚咬落去真係鬆化淋漓,惹味到暈,簡直係海之霸王!再一試疏乎厘海鰻,皮脆肉滑,佢嗰個燒汁香得嚟又唔會太甜,夾埋啲白飯一齊嗌,爽口感覺頂級得滯。呢家仲有得食到幾古怪嘅菜色,黃金脆薯配明太子醬,第一口先係驚訝嘅寧靜,之後就係滿足嘅暴風雨,跨界組合竟然出奇地襯!飯後點埋個士多啤梨梅爾芭來個完美Ending,亦唔會令到人失望。嗰層層疊疊心太軟軟滑,士多啤梨嘅酸甜鮮味係咁融化喺雪糕同鮮忌廉之間,甜而不膩!總而言之,食物又新鮮又有創意,幾件經典款食物都幾到位,對於追求平實美食嘅我嚟講,這家店肯定值得再嚟幾次👍🍣🎉。 繼續閱讀
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